Before either Danny or the bug Digimon could say anything else, Norn started clapping her hands to get their attention. Apparently their partners weren't at the cafetaria and now it was time to meet them. Unaware that Minomon followed him Danny headed through the door. After a while it became which Digimon was supposed to be his partner, as all the others had already teamed up. Before he could touch the only remaining Digimon, a giant beetle with flight boosters, with his Digivice the bag worm revealed itself. [color=00a651]"Wow, so you and my brother are partners. Cool!"[/color] Smiling the beetle bent over to face his sibling. [color=007236]"Hey, Minomon."[/color] The fact that Digimon had families surprised Danny a little. As soon as two siblings had their little moment he pressed the Digivice against his partner's hand or claw or whatever it was. The thin metal device immediately started to get warm, and knowing it would get hot Danny quickly placed it on the grass. After a while it seemed to have settled on two colors, green and yellow, but since he wanted to give it some more time to cool off Danny decided to introduce himself. [color=39b54a]"My name is Danny and what should I call you?"[/color] Before Hirschmon could say anything Minomon spoke up. [color=00a651]"You humans have strange names, Minomon and Hirschmon are much better."[/color]