After several hours Tatiana left her room, the helpless lawyer crawled out behind barely able to move. She stopped, he stopped. "Take the rest of the day off. You'll feel better in the morning. There is a taxi waiting for you. Once you get on the elevator security will help you to your taxi. Don't worry about the fare, it's paid already. Thanks for the fun." She went to her office. She locked the door and turned on security mode which made the room sound proof and blocked all windows. She had received the blueprints for the church they were going to attack. She poured over every detail. She took a red pencil and was drawing various symbols on it, each symbol represented a blocked exit or an alternative entrance. She also had archived local traffic news footage of the area it gave her the idea how close and how tall surrounding buildings were. With their increase strength and speed it would be easy to jump from one building to the church and go in through the stained glass windows. She went back to the blueprints she called someone down in the city's public works department. She wanted to confirm that the church was built on an old entrance to the sewer system. The city employee asked for time to confirm and give her a call back. She was now accessing each mutant power in how to best utilize them. Any signs of strength could be attributed to mutant strength not dhampir strength.