[@Gareth] Unlike most in this thread, I actually started mid-Wrath. Played the trial over and over, liked it, and bought the game. Originally started with a blood elf paladin, but around level 50 or so I started leveling an orc hunter and shelved the paladin. Time went on, did some PvP and PvE at max level before transferring to Alliance. Now I have a 101 Hunter, a 100 Mage, a 86 Paladin, a 82 Death Knight, a 73 Druid and a 60 Warrior. Ain't much to brag about, but years ago I poured my heart and soul into WoW, only to play it occasionally now. However, compared to WoD, Legion has greatly taken my interest, and it doesn't feel as boring as it once was. [quote=@The Harbinger of Ferocity] hunters having to find just the perfect animal companion of the type they wanted[/quote] I understand that all too well. My hunter's stable is full of pets from all over the place, like Ban'thalos (the spirit beast who made me sigh internally trying to position myself on the top of a tree to tame it), the Firelands lava spiders, or simply any random pet I thought looked cool. Sambas has been my go-to pet since Cataclysm, but I occasionally use other pets at times. I remember right before MoP hit. I had farmed 3.4k honor for my hunter's statstick (polearm/staff), and then the pre-patch came out a few days later. All my hard work was useless since hunters had their ranged limit removed and could only equip one weapon.