[h2]Madame Rose - Docks, Velta's office[/h2] [i]"The one about swallowing is good, first time I hear it this week."[/i] Rose keeps her sterling composure with her usual smile. If she got one bell for every joke or insult regarding prostitution she would have enough to open her own brothel in the Delucian District... Oh wait! She stands up, looking around in the office as she talks "[i]I'm sure there is a market for dreg whores, somewhere. I like to keep the Garden classy, though[/i]", and moves closer to the desk, peering at the unfinished letters "[i]writing a love letter, are we? Oh well, I'll tell your brothers you miss them, when I see the boys.[/i]" The Madame turns on her heels, making her way to the door.