[@Gareth] Yes, I'm still here Basically WEST runs this world, and in the beginning they didn't think of the special ones as a threat. But over the years as these quirk genes were bred together, they became more and more dangerous. For example, what went from able to control a small flame, grew into the ability to manifest fire. By the time WEST got wind of this they killed off the dangerous ones. I do like the idea of "Its an old tradition to hunt the 'special ones'. My base idea was a governmental experiment's roleplay, thus the World Experimental Source Tower, so having the demon hunters could very much be a thing and be "evil". The idea of demons and non-human freaks was where I was heading, so I'm glad that's where you went. Thinking in terms of categories, there would be those of animal/demon appearances, and those who look normal and can blend in but are still affected, such as fire or telekinesis. The special ones never get an explanation "why" and normal people and scared of them, especially the ones that are demon/animal-like. I was thinking of having a group that got captured instead of killed and were used to help WEST better understand how to fight these things, and they would be our main characters. "They" Would be WEST. The regular people in power, who are scared or angry about these beings being a threat to their way of life. I can see I had a bit of a tense issue in my writing. It is basically suppose to be from a lab rat of sorts, a member of the group of special ones that got taken into WEST. AS for reactions to getting captured, I imagine their would be a mixed feeling based off what they left behind. If they had a family that were special ones as well and they were tore from that, then they might be scared and afraid. Or if they were the only ones then they might be happy. Nothing is really know about what goes on inside WEST to the people outside, for all they know the special ones have a great life. But I would leave that on a case to case basis. I do like the negative and positive mutations. Those with negative mutations might even just give themselves to WEST to escape society. also it would be interesting to know that if there was a different mutation between different special ones, would it be negative or positive.