Urs stumbled into the dining hall, a drip of drool in the left corner of her mouth. Her golden eyes skimmed over the inhabitants of the room. Children, loud and brash, were clumped together in the middle of the room. The house lady, Urs could never remember her name though, stood by the door, waiting for the others. Then she caught sight of Jasper, several tattoos spanning his neck and arms. Her mood lifting slightly, Urs made her way between the tables to sit by the guy. Well, she more or less fell into the seat, vines shooting out from her sleeves and under her shirt to anchor themselves to the floor. Supporting her form, the vines kept her from smashing her face into the table. Regaining her balance, Urs sat down next to Jasper, and consequently fell onto his shoulder. "Hey Jasper, how are ya?" She mumbled, half-asleep. Another drop of drool appeared in the corner of her mouth as she could smell the cooking breakfast. [@Kaesus]