Saito picked himself up hastily after being told to get off. “Sorry, I must have tripped.” He apologized immediately after and noticed the cards on the ground. The boy decided to help pick them up, checking them out on occasion. As he was gathering it seemed like time stopped for a moment. Saito saw what he presumed to be a dream. The blue mage inside of it seemed particularly familiar to him, although he couldn’t figure out why. After it passed, Saito looked at the other two people that were nearby. “Hey… did I fall asleep? Or did you guys have that weird, odd feeling as well?” Saito scratched his head, curiously passing the cards he picked up back to Akira. “You play this too? I’ve got a deck myself. Not that I bought it, it just arrived a few months ago...” Saito spoke, trying to strike up a conversation before lunch ended.