[right][h2][sup][i][color=f07560]Knight[/color][/i][/sup][/h2][i]Rosaline Buckner[/i] [i]Crashing VTOL[/i][/right] She nodded to Gestalt’s continued part of the story. Same to Septima’s reaction to her own story. Yeah. Reason enough. She shuddered to Anomaly’s story. That was horrible. She lost her [i]arms[/i] for her powers. That… that was terrible. Don’t get powers without becoming damaged goods, huh. She wanted to argue, but it was apparently time to act. Knight looked out and- [color=f07560]‘Wa-!’[/color] She made a noise as the vehicle lurched and tilted, apparently from the lack of engine on one side. Falling down onto the other side, Knight grunted, but there was something she could do about this. Inside the craft, a block of frozen air appeared, following their fall because it was automatically created with the same speed as herself. She shaped it after the ceiling of the craft, before she quickly started pushing it at the ceiling of the craft, intent on slowing down the descent of the out-of-control craft with her own power and attempt balance it… [color=f07560]‘Grh…!’[/color] Slowing down her frozen air to slow down the whole craft put considerable pressure on her mind, especially since she was trying to take the weight of a whole craft coming crashing down. However, with the assumption that the pilots still had some form of control, she tried to steady the crash so they came down with the right keel down and not with too fierce an impact so they wouldn’t be in any danger of dying from the crash. With the assumption that she was about to succeed… [color=f07560]‘Gestalt! Make cover for us outside!’[/color] With the assumption that outside was a warzone, cover would be nice. [color=f07560]‘We’re not damaged goods, we’re young heroes rising towards our full potential! So let’s teach these villains not to mess with us! Let’s go!’[/color] Not the best of speeches, but spare her, she had extremely limited time to come up with something. With that, Knight wanted to shove the door open and jump out to see what might be awaiting them out there. [@Sickle-cell][@Banana]