[@Puffhead] - Alas, the fruits of my labor have come to fruition! I present two new character for your review. [hider=Ed Silverland] Character Name: Ed Silverland. - Basic Traits - Quote: "Failure. A word I am quite well acquainted with." - Height: 6'0". - Age: 16. - Appearance: With the powers he possesses life has not been kind to Ed. What was once human has now been reduced to dirt and garbage. All people see before them is a humanoid figure comprised of parts from whatever he happened to be near when his flesh was stripped from him, bit by bit. - Ethnicity: Australian. - - Background - History: Young Ed hadn't led a very long life before the rift had changed him. For the most part his family and he lived down in Australia, a lovely land covered in spiders. This all changed on one fateful trip his family had taken to visit their extended family down in South Africa. His mother was pregnant at the time with his little sister. During their visit his sister was starting to come earlier than expected. His mother was rushed to a hospital where they attempted to deliver the baby. That is when the rift struck. - Rift History: While Ed was left relatively normal, unknowing of his power, his sister had simply vanished immediately upon being born. What he learned not long after was that she had turned into some sort of mental being, a phantom held together purely by her own mind. He knew this because upon birth she had, for a reason he had yet to understand, chosen to nest inside his mind. - War History: While Ed himself remained quite normal his parents were also thoroughly changed by the rift. His family remained on the move for quite some time until the war was declared. They decided to side with Daniel Viela and fight those who would hunt them. Ed of course had no real say in the matter. He was simply dragged along for the ride. Taken into the rifter army he got to see firsthand the horrors of war. This mindless bloodshed and violence changed him inside. He became numb to the world, a bitter fellow with no love for either side in the war. He was forced to fight when he came of age and got to see his power in action first hand when he was torn into bloody shreds by a bombing run. Blinding pain gave way to unconsciousness and then the world greetings him anew, his body now that of dirt. He had never lead a proper life before it all and now all he had been trained to do was fight and kill. All that knowledge he was filled with came to naught as they were eventually defeated and forced into the prison they now call home. With his parents killed during the fighting he was left alone to wander the ruins. What had changed him the most was knowing the influence all the combat he was subjected to had on his sister's young mind. - Alliance: None. - Abilities - Rift: African. - Abilities: His ability allows him to take any material and merge it with his body, causing the material to act and function just as the living part it has replaced used to. He can feel sensations through the materials comprising his body as though it were his living flesh leading to some rather odd feelings at times. Depending on what he has bonded to his body this can make him quite durable. He's difficult to permanently put down since any part of him can be replaced, even his brain. If his brain is missing then his body will just automatically make it out of the closest material it has to work with since his mind cannot be there to decide what is used. - Side effects: Firstly the material he adopts onto his body cannot be alive at the time of merging. Once dead the substance can be bonded to him but never before. Secondly his surrogate muscles cannot lift more than he could while his flesh was human, regardless of the material used. Thirdly his limbs, body and head cannot be larger than what they were back when his flesh was human and his own. Any excess material will simply slough off the part it was previously attached to. Machines that are merged with his body that have parts or a frame that is larger than his power will support will come apart, leaving what parts that fit in his design still attached to him. Fourth weakness to his gift is that just as he can still feel the sensation of touch and temperature through the materials bonded with his body he can also feel pain. Damage dealt to the materials he's composed from will hurt just as much as it would were it all his flesh. Lastly his weakness regarding his inability to merge with living material is what leaves him vulnerable to destruction. While he'll merge with his environment even if he is mostly destroyed if he is completely destroyed or dissolved in acid while surrounded by living tissue or other organic matter then he'll have nothing to replace what is lost and finally be rid of the world. - Personality: He's a miserable sod, that much is certain. What optimism he held in youth has given way to cynicism and misanthropy. He expects the worst in everyone and always keeps his hopes low. He's content with simply living and avoiding trouble where he can though with his sister that is rarely possible. As such he avoids company lest she decides to entertain herself, something which almost always ends unfortunately for him. Inside he simply wants to do good by Id and keep her sane, a difficult task given that she is a purely mental being with access to the entire contents of his brain. Given the death of his parents it's been no easy task being the sole figure of authority for someone he cannot control in any way. Still, he tries. A fiery heart continues to beat, buried beneath the callouses he's gained throughout his life after the rift. - Mission: To try and live in peace for both him and his sister. - Weaknesses: - He still can feel pain. - He has low self esteem. - Bears a great deal of depression. - Tends to swing blindly as a reflex to sudden pain. - Holds much guilt for the way his sister is. - Feels the need to shelter his sister from the world. - He's not great at making friends. _ Strengths and Talents: - He's had first hand experience in hand-to hand combat, melee weapon combat and firearms due to his part in the war. - He can bench-press roughly one hundred and eighty pounds. - He does not need to breath. - Fatigue is no longer an issue now that his flesh is all but gone. - No more hunger, thirst or blood. - After what he's been through he's grown a certain level of tolerance to pain. - He's rather well read. - He is fairly good at writing. Fears: His greatest fear is losing his sister. That fear is shortly followed up by his second greatest fear, his sister. [/hider] [hider=Id Silverland] Character Name: Id Silverland. - Basic Traits - Quote: "Life? It's an amusing game." - Height: Variable. - Age: 8. - Appearance: She is basically what she wants herself to appear as. Her usual form is that of slender feminine beauty. She stands at about the same height as her brother Edgar. Her hourglass figure conveys just the right amount of both raw appeal and grace. Her hair comes down in long strands ending at the gluteus that flow like the finest silk imaginable and shine like polished chrome, all in one head of delicate snow white hairs. She can choose whatever outfit fits her mood at a whim. She is most often seen wearing a flowing white dress. Certain features of hers could strike many as uncanny. Calling her skin pale would be an understatement. Her skin is absent of all hue or shade, just strictly white like a ghost. Her eyes are perhaps her most haunting yet memorable feature. They are an eldritch lilac color which seem to resonate with her almost supernatural presence. If looks could kill she'd be a mass murderer. It's a good thing that she almost never appears outside of Edgar's own mind. - Ethnicity: Australian. - - Background - Rift History: Her existence from the moment she was born was questionable. To her parents it was as if she simply ceased to be. Edgar knew better though, largely because they shared a bond neither one understood. His thoughts felt empty without her and she felt almost shapeless before taking to her throne within his mind. Once together they were both made whole in a certain sense. - War History: For the earliest years of her life she experienced war through the eyes of Edgar. While she had access to all his memories, all his thoughts and feelings her own were largely unshaped. War did a fine job of giving her a real show to watch as she developed. Violence, bloodshed, the worst elements of humanity on full display. It was all she knew and all she had learned to expect. War and violence was how the world worked. At least, their world. Inside she first shaped herself from every ideal and image of perfection that existed in her environment. Stripping away the imperfections she then shaped a world of her own to exist in, a beautiful fantasy where she could live out her youthful fantasies as vividly as the real thing. Bright colors, grand structures, beautiful people and violence. There was always violence. She had developed an early bloodlust as a result from her exposure to Edgar's own experiences. For a while these perfect illusions were all she needed. For several years she was only tangentially aware of the outside world. The occasional glance at Edgar's bank of experiences for new material to incorporate gave her brief windows of insight. Eventually however she grew bored. It was far too predictable, everything happening as she designed it to. Having always possessed the ability to create and control entire worlds it all became far less than special for her. But there was still one thing she didn't wholly control. Edgar. Looking out through his eyes one day she saw him getting waylaid by bandits, beaten and torn apart. It was funny. This ugly dystopian world was nothing like she imagined it to be and that was exciting. She laughed as Edgar was run over, she giggled when he was bitten by tiger men, She sat glued to the edge of her seat as he was launched through the air. Every terrible thing that happened to Edgar was both hilarious and exciting to her. Violence, mayhem and bloodshed! All of it happening in a live, unscripted world. She couldn't make half of these events up if she tried and that was the beauty of it. Not even the powers of a goddess over her own domain could rival the thrill of the unexpected. Thus she started to get involved in Edgar's life, much to his dismay. Alliance: None. - Abilities - Rift: African. - Abilities: Her primary power is both simple and yet positively complex. She can change from a physical form into a mental form and back at will. The mental form is a form that is essentially living thoughts given shape and a will of their own, both intangible and invisible. Using her mental form she can enter a mind of someone nearby and entrench herself within. While she is inside a mind she can see and control any and all operations from tangential whims all the way down to the basest innate programs. Given her control and knowledge she can manipulate all of her host's senses to the point where she could manufacture a completely separate reality, leaving her host either stumbling around, catatonic or doing whatever she wants the body to do while her host's mind is occupied. If other mentalists were to try to peak inside or try to change things she could create an entirely separate mind within the mind itself, a sub-mind to mask the real mind from the outsider's perception. The sub-mind she could create could even mirror the real mind, appearing positively identical to the host's own mind. Id has a wide variety of ways of not only controlling her host but also others with mental powers should they stick their noses in her business. With her skills she can hide her presence from many varieties of mental detection powers. An echo of her true self remains in Edgar's mind so she can reverse any and all corruptions inflicted upon her by other mentalists while outside his mind upon returning to him. In addition while outside a body in either form she possesses very limited telekinesis, only able to exert up to roughly ten to twenty pounds of pressure. - Side effects: Her primary restriction is that her power limited to the mind of her host. She cannot extend her abilities beyond the mind of the person she is staying within. If she wants to effect another person's mind she has to first either invade or be invited inside. Though she is powerful if she has to invade a mind then there is a chance that she might be rebuffed, thus rendered unable to enter the person at all. While the chance is slim for most people to successfully oppose her invasion those with mental gifts stand a better chance of resisting her. Should she invade a host and the host continues to try and fight her occupation another person with the proper mental gift may be able to help purge her from her host. A host may not eject her from their body without help if she has already bypassed their mind's defenses and is unwilling to leave. Naturally due to the risks of fighting for control of another host having a host she is currently occupying killed is problematic. While inside a host she has complete control over her own form while in her mental state of being however outside a host if she is in her mental form she is vulnerable to the effects of those with mental powers. As her body is pure thought while in mental form should someone use their powers to try and alter that thought it would physically alter her, distorting both her form and her mind based on the changes made. Should she manifest physically she becomes bound by the same rules placed upon all other living things, leaving her able to be hurt and even killed until she shifts into her alternate state. If she is injured in any way while physical such injuries will carry over to her other form and remain until she can find a host and mend herself within their mind's confines. - Personality: Never having needed a physical body can certainly effect one's outlook on life. She is uncaring towards almost everything, living solely to entertain herself. Never having to ever suffer consequences has left her distant to the concerns of others and the power to weave entire worlds that she can manipulate to her every desire has left her jaded. Being an entity of pure thought with the ability to fabricate entire mindscapes within the limits of Edgar's skull she has everything she could possibly ever want out of life so what's left to even aspire for? To her mind there is little the real world has to offer that she cannot give herself with a mere thought, with one exception: Spontaneity. As she's emotionally detached from real world logic she also has a poor grasp of what is too dangerous or too cruel. To her anything that doesn't literally kill her brother for good is fair play since no matter what happens so long as she has him as a host it's all fun and games for her. She sees no reason to limit anything she does as she exists in a state with far different limits than the real world imposes. That does not mean she's a fool however. Her intellect is keen though highly specialized due to her particular fields of fascination. Since she doesn't have real problems to worry about this free's up a lot of time for her to observe Ed's situation and she is most certainly observant. At heart she does somewhat care for her brother but her extremely skewed sense of empathy leads her to actions which any sane person might consider wicked. - Mission: To have fun. - Weaknesses: - Having rarely ever manifested in physical form she is quite inexperienced in using one. She holds a wealth of knowledge about it but little actual experience. - She is rarely ever challenged and takes it very poorly when anything other than her pushes her to make an effort. - She can be quite cruel at times. - At times she can be rather impatient. - She's sometimes a bit childish. - Her state of existence makes her callous to the needs of beings wrought of flesh. - She may not understand it but she and her brother are deeply dependent on one another. _ Strengths and Talents: - She possesses a nearly unrivaled knowledge of the human mind given how directly she interacts with them. - She has access to all the same knowledges and skills Edgar possesses. - She is very difficult to harm, especially when inside a person's mind. - She's keenly observant. - She's extremely skilled in crafting illusions, able to craft them to be virtually identical to the real thing. This applies to every sense of the human body including sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. _ Fears: Though she may not realize it her greatest fear is losing her brother. [/hider] They are a sort of inseparable pair. I do hope they are acceptable.