[b][h3][center][color=ec008c]Anomaly[/color][/center][/h3][/b][center]In the VTOL, en route to mission[/center][hr] Anomaly was going to respond to what Gestalt had said, when suddenly she was lurched forward by a sudden loss of something. Thank god she was wearing her seatbelt, or this wouldn't have been good. A lack of arms makes it hard for a person to really... put on a parachute. In fact, it made it damn near impossible. [color=ec008c]"OH SHOOT!"[/color] Anomaly took a second to look outside the window, and wouldn't you know it, there was an engine missing. There's your problem. The amputee looked up to what Knight was doing when she noticed that she was trying to slow the fall as best as she could, which honestly was a fantastic idea that the teen would assist with, but she couldn't because her powers didn't really [u]do[/u] that. They could support her and slow her fall, but it wasn't really helpful for things like this. [color=f07560][i]‘We’re not damaged goods, we’re young heroes rising towards our full potential! So let’s teach these villains not to mess with us! Let’s go!’[/i][/color] Knight shouted as she tried to keep the VTOL from crashing, and Anomaly chimed in with her say on the matter. [color=ec008c]"What Knight said! Time to knock some heads together!"[/color] Anomaly was ready. She just had to survive the fall, first.