[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/3g3hssS.png[/img][/center] As the storm approached, an unlikely figure took the helm--the smaller of the two Saber Servants and the one that had [i]absolutely no idea[/i] how to appropriately control a ship. The pirate captain would find attempts to dissuade her from this about as much use as talking to a wall as she took position beside him, a determined expression on her face and drawing a deep breath. "Men, a storm approaches and yet it must be a blessing in disguise! Umu, divine blood flows in my veins and it can only be so! This storm is clearly a blessing of Neptune in disguise, sent to bring us swiftly to our destination! And so! We shall not falter or slow down! We shall go [i]faster[/i] into this, and use it to our advantage! We shall ride the storm!" Now was probably a good time for anyone sane to realise that the ship was now rather directly under the control of someone who should very much [i]not[/i] have been in charge of a ship--as realised by the blank-faced alchemist, who, sturdy ship or not, was disappearing below decks.