There have been stories about where the Flowers of the Blue Rose had flourished and how they lived. One tale spoke of an underground cult that was full of skilled assassins. Whilst true to some extent, there were contradicting reports of the true location and nature of this group of thieves, assassins, and other like-minded individuals living so high up in the mountains that it was almost like a monastery of monks. As one could believe, that was even more far-fetched than some of the other stories of them being actors in a constantly-moving theater traveling through Ivalice. As everyone had found out for themselves, none of the rumors about the always-evasive, always-secretive, group known simply as Utena was, in fact, more grounded than one would imagine. Their headquarters was actually pretty normal. Aside from the scathing glares everyone except Shion had gotten from the flowers(one had to assume that’s who they were). It was obvious to anyone(except Jaakuna) that these ‘flowers’, who had absolute devotion to Shion as noted by their bowing when she walked past them, didn’t like outsiders. It was especially noted with how they reacted to Jaakuna’s ignorant glee. If Shion hadn’t been leading them, one would be willing to bet that a brawl would’ve broken out between the Transcendent and the Madame Blue Rose’s Garden. Thankfully, however, that didn’t happen. Instead, when Shion had approached a young woman who had a graceful appearance like Nadeine and the shy demeanor — or was it intimidated? — one like Emiri once had. And her eyes seemed to sparkle when Shion had addressed her by her name. Ren was the given name of a lot of women from certain parts of Ivalice, though mostly in nomadic countries that still practiced the old traditions. While it seemed obvious Ren was quite nervous, there was only a brief exchange of words before they had been off to find Michel, to which Ren noted that he with Meli in her room. As they followed, Jaakuna couldn’t help but be amazed by what he saw. To think this was where Shion spent most of her time. Hell, this was where Francis had spent most his time as of late. Not a bad setup, if he had to admit it. [color=lightblue]“Whatever you’re thinking about doing don’t.”[/color] Savayna whispered to Jaakuna. [color=ed1c24]“What?”[/color] He whispered back. [color=lightblue]“I know that look and bad things happen when you have that look — namely me.”[/color] Just as he was going to open his mouth and quite possibly say something witty in a retort, he was stopped by the sudden sounds of Meli’s words, as well as a familiar Viera’s voice. And, Jaakuna might’ve not been the smartest sword on the weapon’s rack, but he knew that tone more than anyone: it was the kind of tone someone like Aloa and Shion had when they were acting superior to whomever they were talking to. [color=teal]“Ladies, please, can’t we work something out—”[/color] Michel tried to reason with his savior and his beloved, but both, in their own ways, gave him a nasty glare. He sighed, wondering what he did to the Gods to deserve this. [color=hotpink][i]You used a forbidden magick, for one.[/i][/color] Shemhazai offered a suggestion. And now [i]he[/i] was the one to scowl. Only a moment later did Jaakuna and the others walk into his periphery. [color=teal]“Oh, Mistress and Ren..and--”[/color] Jaakuna raised his hand up, [color=ed1c24]“let’s just save the individual name-calling, for now, okay?”[/color] He let out a sigh. Michel reciprocated with a smile with a chuckle. After a few hugs and the like had gone through everyone from Michel to them, Shion decided it was time to — well, quite honestly, there wasn't any indication what they were here for, but as Ren would reveal, it was something rather...shocking. This girl’s ability, apparently, was similar to Shinto’s. Both of them could share memories, though Ren’s was more of an outwardly visual whereas Shinto’s was more within the mind. As for the specific memory, they all bore witness to the gruesome fight between Aloa and some creature, which most in the room just had to assume that meant [i]the[/i] creature. And based on what they saw, it was a back and forth tussle between them, with both gaining the advantage at some point. The Creature, of course, had used underhanded tactics to get the one-up on Aloa, whilst the latter had impressive magicks that gave her a [i]natural[/i] edge over it. When it seemed like all was going to be over for the Creature, it used quite a low countermeasure by forcing Justine—Emette’s—hand by submitting the remainder of her life force into Aloa, which prompted the Creature to use a last resort(that’s how Wesley interpreted it) as its form changed into a literal black hole. It threatened to suck Aloa into its empty void, there came a glimmer of hope. In front of it, colored pure white, a portal five feet in height and width intercepted her. After a long silence, someone broke it. [color=fff79a]“That was certainly the ordeal.”[/color] Wesley commented, unsure what else to say.Considering what had happened to Emette, it was, if nothing else, a hard thing to watch. His mind went instantly to Emiri and how she must be feeling. Having lost a parent himself, he could relate. A few others could as well, but there was no one who could relate to the pain of losing a parent twice. [color=fff79a]“You are fortunate that Michel got to you when he did.”[/color] Wesley noted, looking to the green-haired male, though he happened to see the reluctant smile from Michel. [color=fff79a]“Oh, my apologies. I didn’t mean to offend.”[/color] [color=teal]“It’s not that,”[/color] Michel sighed, looking at everyone, but his eyes went directly to Shion. [color=teal]“Forgive me, the situation was too dire. I had no choice but to use it.”[/color] He apologized to her, bowing his head to his Mistress.