[center][h2][color=SteelBlue]V[/color][color=PaleGreen]I[/color][color=Gold]C[/color][color=Beige]E[/color][/h2][/center] It had been relatively straightforward to infiltrate the wonderland gang, infact Seth was pretty sure even without Spite the drugged up goons would have had a hard time realizing he wasn’t one of them, but with how psycho they and their bosses where, he wasn’t going to try and test that theory. He’d spent the next few days listening in on conversations and mooching off of his unsuspecting hosts while he waited around hoping to catch wind of them actually doing something, anything, that would draw the attention of the town’s heros. This was his modus operandi, stick with the local problem till they made noise, be a massive pain for the local heros for a bit, then move on before they started trying to counteract Spite’s stranger ability. In his early days Seth had joined those groups instead, but with membership came rules, orders and commitments that Seth couldn't stand. He had a fair few enemies down south made up of gangs he had bailed out on, often at the most inopportune time. Being an unnoticeable face in their ranks was so much better for what he wanted, the element of surprise causing the maximum amount of chaos for everyone involved, which made it easy for his friends to work their magic and for Seth to then slip away unseen. It also meant that in situations like the gunfight he found himself in after following the wonderland gangers to their drug deal he wouldn’t be noticed as a target by either side and so all he had to do was plop himself in an alleyway near where some of his hosts were taking cover and await the coming of the Heros. [hr] [color=Gold]”Rise and shine Seth, the guest of honor are arriving at last”[/color] [color=PaleGreen]”Do ya, do ya think it’ll be her?”[/color] [color=Gold]”Does it really matter”[/color] [color=PaleGreen]”I wanna see ‘er face when I show ‘er who’s the better archer!”[/color] [color=Gold]”Just, don’t cause any tactical blunders for the sake of your jealousy. Please.”[/color] [color=PaleGreen]”Screw you Scratch, how can I be envious of someone worse than me!”[/color] [color=SteelBlue]”Alright, alright, I’m up already. Quit it.”[/color] The young man, awoken by his friends voices bickering in his head, stood up from where he had been sitting in an alleyway near the ongoing intergang firefight, yawned, stretched, and then listened carefully to the sound of VTOL engines rapidly approaching. Beneath his mask and hood of his ragged cloak, the anarchist grinned malicious grin. The he stepping up behind the gang member who was using the ally corner for cover from the cape fight and peeking over his shoulder at the brawl going on out there. [color=SteelBlue]”There has to be a big response coming to this mess, right?”[/color] [color=Gold]”Here is said response. Just one craft. I have no doubt we’ll be fine”[/color] [color=PaleGreen]”Hehe, time to give em a shitty laning”[/color] Seth watched as the aircraft came into view as Spite waited for just the right moment to strike. Pipeline robbed him of the opportunity however, melting through engine of the craft and sending it spiraling to the ground. [color=PaleGreen]”You bastard! I was gonna do that!”[/color] [color=SteelBlue]”Don’t do it Spite”[/color] [color=Gold]”No you buffoon!”[/color] But it was too late, the 4 masked devil had fully manifested, its arms, holding it’s bow and an huge arrow popped out from the cloak, upon the inside of which hundreds of malevolent red eyes all opened at once, fixated upon the wonderland gang leader, while the hood pulled back off of seth’s face, changing into its 4 eyed head. All at once Seth’s cover was blown, startling the gang member he was behind as Spite quickly leveled his bow in Pipeline’s direction and sent the massive iron spike hurtling towards him.