[hr][hr][center][img]https://s8.postimg.org/nvq4ksl7p/maeve.png[/img] [img]https://s2.postimg.org/88devw7h5/Regency_Chloe_12.gif[/img][hr][color=ff6600][b]Location[/b][/color]: Annan[/center][hr][hr] At first, Maeve was a bit concerned that she had misjudged Lady Kirkpatrick and that she should have gone for a softer, milder approach. But after a minute or so, it seemed that she had guessed correctly. She didn't read any signs of irritation or malice in Lady Kirkpatrick's face. The woman appeared to have accepted her, something incredibly necessary for the Cummings plans and for her payment. It was all so that Roisin could have the best education possible in the end. She didn't care much about Clan This and Clan That at the end of the day. All that mattered was that she got paid. Calum's sigh perplexed her, to say the least. For a liar and someone who employed disguise regularly, it didn't seem to suit him. Of course, it was likely all a bit of the charade he was playing as Father Blair, Maeve decided. When Calum walked away, she didn't turn to look back at him. He was nothing more than a face, a mask. Who knew who the real parson-priest was anyways? Maeve doubted that anyone did, perhaps not even Calum himself. [color=ff6600]"Name's Neasa O'Connor, m'lady,"[/color] Maeve said, introducing herself--or rather, her alias.