[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/4FgWVli.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/OkTITw4.png[/img][hr] [@BCTheEntity][@Sketcher][@FrostedCaramel][@Old Amsterdam] [/center] The striations and chunks missing from the table. Remi's fingers followed the grooves until the lines reached the end of the table. It was definite. The conclusion? Whoever did this to the table was an ass. Remi's investigations had all come up short. Each one resulted in a dead end or red herring. It didn't help that the CCG operated purely on a need-to-know basis and Remi didn't [i]need[/i] to know. As a result, she was spending the day in a fast food restaurant, drinking coffee and trying to eavesdrop on any sort of lead. Of course, that was before she had received an urgent text from the CCG. She quickly downed what remained of her coffee and ran towards the headquarters. Her pace only slowing when she realized what a horrible mistake it was to run with a filled stomach. Reaching the CCG building, the lobby was the same as always. She walked past the Rc gates, her eyes instinctively shutting on the off chance that it would go off. Thankfully, the gate remained silent. Into the elevator and up to the top. She entered the room, ignoring the loud tapping of the investigator outside. [color=f7941d]"[/color][color=#6db34f]Sir,[/color][color=#f7941d]"[/color] Remi said as she bowed to Seto. She stood next to the extraordinarily tall detective, not exactly acknowledging his existence. After all, she preferred her interactions with coworkers to be primarily business.