[@ReveTheDreamer] [indent]Fillan finished his math packet and leaned back in his seat, going over all the events that had occurred today. He could easily say this was one of the busiest days he'd had in a very long time. Instead of pulling out another packet from his bag, he gazed out a window absentmindedly. [i]How long has it been since Kludd left? Maybe I should've followed him out. Who was that kid anyways? Is he a student here at this school? What did he do anyways?[/i][/indent] [indent] Turning his head, Fillan could see that students were gradually starting to crowd around the boy with the green scarf. He could overhear some of what he was saying, and the blonde haired girl was offering him some cookies as well. Fillan was torn between going over and interacting with the mingling students or hanging back like he had been doing for the past hour or so. [i]It looks like such a large crowd though, I should probably wait...[/i]Then he noticed a girl still sitting at the table, the same girl with brown hair who had been pointing at him and Kludd earlier. [i]Maybe I should go over and introduce myself to her. She looks pretty lonely. Maybe she needs-[/i][/indent] [indent] Heavy footsteps and ragged breathing interrupted Fillan's thoughts. Staggering back to his seat, Kludd crumpled at the table and looked worn out. [i]I really hope something bad didn't just happen.[/i][/indent] [indent]"Are you um, alright? I didn't see what went on but it um, doesn't look like it um, went over well..."[/indent]