- Would you like a more consistent speed with the RP? Faster or this is fine? [indent]I could survive faster. I can survive slower, too. As for what I like...probably just regularity? The speed we have been going (excepting that odd gap) is good.[/indent] - Is "1 post per 3-days" too small of a window to make posts? [indent]For me? No.[/indent] - What's the biggest issue for you (personally) that makes you go past the 3-day post timing? [indent]That would probably be, "Waiting on somebody else."[/indent] - How can I (HueMan) help to fix that issue? [indent]Huh. Good question. I do poke people if it looks like they forgot; you could probably do that. I like being poked. Being forgetful would be the second biggest reason I miss posting on time.[/indent] - Do you have any suggestions or comments regarding the rp so far? Anything goes. [indent]Bestiary. Do you have one? Can we help make one? Sure, there will be a lot of stereotypical mobs early on; but just imagine what kind of crazy combat could emerge later when the mobs become bizarre--or better yet, armed![/indent] And finally, [@Tybalt Capulet], Aster wasn't buying anything at the smith's, was she?