"[color=silver]The question first. Persons of your...obvious for the trained eye, talents are quite connected in the world we live in. The question is. Have you heard about someone, similar in appearance and "weird" feeling that recently came to Constantinople?[/color]" [i]There are more of them[/i] Zero thought. He started scanning the area looking for anyone with a similar soul. There were lots of people in the are but nothing out of the ordinary just humans and supernaturals. He was about to give up when he found something. The same vile and undead soul. It was moving not very fast but it was heading this way. He kept an eye on the other person and went back to the conversation with the mysterious man. "[color=silver]My masters will reward you, Captain, if you help me by telling you the location of any person that is on Earth.[/color]" The mysterous man said. Zero look at his master who showed little to no emotion at the offer. This was thier chance to catch Azaneal once and for all. "Captain what chould we do" Zero ask still watching the mysterous man and the other of his kind.