Nakreyya took a moment to look over the head. Her eyepatch told her that no other power existed within it. A last warning, a last attempt at fear. However, she had not had a chance to examine the mechanika of this world, understanding it could only be a boon in the future. She took a moment to pull the head apart, being somewhat less gentle with it in the interest of time. She reached in and removed a few of the parts that she assumed governed memory and protocol, as well as what she believed was the battery of the machine. Fionn could help her work through her assumptions later. The actual gears and pistons - while interesting - were too large to carry. With a bit of regret, she decided not to delve further into the head, but to count her plunder as enough, and experiment later with what she had collected. She turned toward the entrance and started off at a sprint after the men. ******* They'd had a sizable head start on her, and the fighting had worn her down a bit, so she'd had to go slower than she intended to catch up. Were she a younger woman, she might have made it to them before they hit the door. As it was, she found them outside. Grug motioned to her as she approached. She approached, and listened to what he had to say, and his questions. "This is not my first time in battle with someone who employs mechanika creatures, though these are very different from the Griever of my past," Nakreyya's good eye focused on something neither man could see. A past, a history, and all that existed within it. "Though my reasons were greater then, in my optimism, I thought that I could make a difference. Still, I had thought the great fights behind me. I have little to lose, and nothing to hide from. I will fight." [@Silvan Haven] [@Hekazu]