Dorumon wasn't quite sure how to feel, back at the village he was the only one that no one could explain were he came from. He just showed up one day as a Digiegg and he had always wondered about that and finding it out now felt empty, he felt like he didn't really deserve to know that. The legendary tamers huh? Human and Digimon fighting together. He remembered that he and his friends favorite tale was of the tales of Tachi and his Digimon Zero. Remembering that tale left a bit hope in his mind, a tamer and his Digimon who took out the 'Super Ultimate', but that hope was quickly crushed when he remembered the power of the army after all how could he forget that... These people were taking things to lightly! Just five pairs up against an army! Even with the power of the Tamers on their side how could they hope to stop that! Strongest? Don't make me laugh! Your not even a speck on their radar! You may as well be wet tissue paper compared to them! They are monsters literally just monsters! After all he had seen it firsthand... Robert looked at Dorumon and whispered to him. "It's only impossible, when you don't try." Doru turned to him about to tell him what he thought about such a cheesy old line, when he saw Robert. It was another person's words, but it was these words that Robert keep dearest to him and he was not about to let anyone disrespect them no matter how cheesy and even if it didn't make sense. It made Doru wonder who it was that taught him that? He didn't ask. He wanted to know, but he was too scared that Robert might ask for his past in exchange. So he just took it with a grain of salt. "Fine. I guess it won't hurt." Dorumon sighed.