[@Zetsuko] She smiled noticing where his gaze fell and felt in control of the situation. His words filled her with a thrill, more akin to someone hunting. However, that was quickly shattered when he took her hand. She usually was one to play with her victim and she didn't quite expect him grabbing her hand. She wasn't used to someone brimming with confidence nor someone with a strong passion, let alone both. A genuine blush filled her skin as she sat awestruck by his gentle yet strong embrace. He was truly kind and could see this as he got closer. He would have helped her even if they didn't know one another and were outside of this strange building...well, they didn't know one another but she felt connected to him like she did. Either that or her third eye opened at that moment. She felt guided by him as she did so and peered into his true soul, the true him. ((What did she see?)) When Nybras peers into her he sees many female forms. The one that stands out the most is a little girl crying in the corner with horns on her head. A small tail wrapped around her as she sniffles trying to cry but the wells of water being empty. She doesn’t look like a full blooded demon but a Tiefling. Memories flood into his mind leading to her current form. A demon had taken her and trained her in the ways of being a succubus. Each form from there becoming a little more corrupted as she begins to age. Confidence and an eye for betrayal. The older her forms get the less she trusts and more she uses lust to kill others and take what she wants. The demon that took her would reward her by not taking her to his room and keeping her from the other demons… she has never known freedom after being taken.