[@CoyoteLovely][@Hekazu] [Center][color=fff200]Fionn Harken[/color][/center] [color=fff200]"I was quite literally born and bred for this. Fighting evil is my life's calling and I could never face my Kin if I ran from this. Fortunately I believe I've pieced together enough to shed some light on your visions. How much do you know about semi-ancient history?"[/color] He settled onto a nearby rock as he spoke, glancing between the rest of the group before continuing. [color=fff200]"For those of you less knowledgeable, a short history lesson. Roughly five hundred years ago the ground we stand upon was the far borders of the Rzail Empire. The ruins we just cleared used to be one of their border outposts. Part fort, part village. They were an impressive civilization from a certain point of view. A major powerhouse with some of the most advanced technology possible on this planet. They controlled an entire subcontinent and were poised to take a lot more. Unfortunately the Rzail Empire was just about as evil a place as one could ask for. Dark magic abounded. Warlocks and necromancers could buy sentient subjects for their experiments with no more than a few coppers." "Eventually the surrounding kingdoms could take no more and banded together. Led by a Paladin of my Order they waged war upon Rzail. It was a fierce war, hundreds of thousands of noble warriors died facing the endless hoards of undead summoned against them. The Rzail necromancers raised millions of the unholy beasts. And at the head marched their undead god-king Karnorouri. A Lich of immense power. Even defeat and destruction on the field of battle could not end his terror since nobody could find his phylactery. Slay him and he would simply reform in his seat of power, ready to raise a new army." "Even so the forces of good were victorious. They pushed the undead hordes back and destroyed the mighty cities of that blighted land. In the final battle the Paladin leading them sacrificed herself to seal Karnorouri away. He was not destroyed for even at the end no one could find his soul jar. But with him in a such a powerful seal he was as good as dead. What was left of his forces were annihilated in short order."[/color] Fionn paused for a moment and took off his helmet. It was probably prudent to leave it on this close to the ruins but he needed to feel a real wind on his face. [color=fff200]" I think the past five hundred years have weakened the seal. It's not broken or my Order would have noticed. However the signs seem to point to it having waned enough for the Lich to start contacting any followers of his that might remain. Likely to ready the way for his return."[/color]