Meesei returned Lunise's embrace enthusiastically. She sat up enough that she could comfortably wrap both her arms and tail around her, then allowed a few moments to just settle in. Allowing time for Lunise to get comfortable in their bath, both mentally and physically, Meesei continued her conversation with Sabine and Karl. "So, Karl, I have a sense of your work and what you do now, but where are you from? Which clan, I mean? Were you a part of the original Bruma clan, or did you come to Blackreach from elsewhere after we established ourselves there. Our clan's numbers have swelled so much over the years that I simply cannot keep track of everyone, and as I mentioned before, I have not had too much of a chance to speak with Sabine in detail about you." A grin came across Meesei's face. "And for that matter, how much has Sabine told you about her own past? Has she told you all of the embarrassing stories of her childhood, or shall I have that pleasure?"