[u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Dremmick Valswei [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 22 [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Male [u][b]Physical Appearance:[/b][/u] What he used to look like: [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSGdTzMFi-OxIhBp8S2vZXeBF_UhCdFz3Nld3lU1UX4t6_CHo7c[/img] His right eye is still unaffected by his deformation [u]Height:[/u] 6'2" [u]Weight:[/u] 140lbs [u]Eye Color:[/u] Green [u]Skin Color:[/u] Tanned [u]Distinguishing Features:[/u] Covered in bandages to hide his scarred and deformed flesh [u]Build of Body:[/u] Skinny and lanky, but what he does have is toned. looks malnourished. [u]Posture:[/u] relaxed [u]Scars:[/u] does his everything count? Was tempted to do this but I'm just gonna leave it to y'alls imagination :D [u]Guild Mark Location:[/u] The forehead of his mask [u]Mark Color:[/u]Black [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Polite, loyal, and friendly, Dremmick would give his life for his friends. He will try to help somebody even if the odds are against him. A few times even, he has pushed himself past his magic limits which caused the cursed flesh to spread across his body. He is however, embarrassed and disgusted by his scars and cursed flesh so he covers his body in bandages so nobody, including himself, has to look at them. [u]Likes:[/u] Medical stuff, Ris, waffles, exploring [u]Dislikes:[/u] Arrogance, his scars, pancakes, talking about his past [u]Strengths:[/u] Very observant, great at physical non-magical combat, heavy hitting magic abilities [u]Weaknesses:[/u] Not a heavy hitter physically (precision vs strength), high magic drain [u]Fears:[/u] losing himself to the curse on his body and what could happen after [u]Values:[/u] friendship, honor, proper manners, his friends lives over his own [u][b]Possessions:[/b][/u] Other than what is normally seen on him he has a medical back that has remedies for various poisons and medical supplies. He mainly uses this on long trips. He always has his small notebook and pencil for recording various important details. he has another small red leather journal with a raven embossed in the middle. Its old and worn from years of travel and use, and Dremmick keeps it on him constantly. [u][b]Wardrobe:[/b][/u] [img]https://i.imgur.com/5IP74io.png[/img][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/68/5b/50/685b5074b371927c85a1170d37a06f04.jpg[/img] [u][b]Health:[/b][/u] Looks as if he is malnourished and covered from head to toe in scarred flesh, which is why he is covered up. [u][b]Magic:[/b][/u] Blood magic- he can use it to create various attacks (for one, think blood salvo from soul sacrifice), regenerate blood, and seal wounds. he can use his powers on others, but only to heal, because he can not utilize another person's blood, only his own. He can also create objects such as weapons, armor, and thin barriers. Normally, he could only do these things from his cursed arm, but due to overuse of his magic after exhausting his magic energy, the curse had spread to the rest of his body and now he can use his magic from just about anywhere. [u][b]Other Trivia:[/b][/u] I got inspiration for his magic type through a mix of 'make' type magic, the game soul sacrifice, and the show Deadman Wonderland. If you are squeamish I wouldn't watch the show. Its a bit over the top and pretty dark. I got hooked on the story but geez...and I thought Attack on Titan was brutal. [u]Favorite Types of Food:[/u] breakfast.... [i]except yoooou[/i] pancakes, you floppy wannabe waffles that can't hold onto their syrup! [u]Favorite Types of Drink:[/u] Sweet black tea [u]Hobbies/Pastimes:[/u] fishing actually [u]Favorite Colors:[/u] Green