The silence of the forest was suddenly split. The loud snapping of a branch being the culprit of this, the cause being the heavy black boot which had stamped down upon it. This black rubber boot adorned the foot of a tall and rather leanly built figure. Clad in dark clothing as well as being armed rather heavily, this individual posed as a rather intimidating form. His clothing consisted of a pair of solid black rubber boots and a matching black rain slicker. On his hands he wore brown leather gloves and his faced was adorned with a rather menacing gas mask. The hood of his rain slicker was pulled over his head, this combined with the gas mask kept his identity completely hidden. He was armed with a [u][url=]Remington 870 shotgun[/url][/u], which he carried down at his side with his right hand alone. At his left side, he had a rusty hatchet with a wooden handle which he had slipped down between his belt and his pants waistline. He carried a green Swiss Gear backpack on his shoulders which bulged from the contents inside, which were predominantly food and water rations as well as spare clothing and other basic survival gear. The mysterious man stood still and solem, his head turning slow and carefully as his eyes scanned the surrounding forest from behind the mask. The dead silence and eerie stillness of the forest bothered him not, as this had become normality for him. That, and he had witnessed far more chilling instances in the past many weeks, things that belittled something as trivial to he as a forest abandoned by animals. He finally took a step forward after at least five minutes of surveying the surrounding area. As he walked, branches and leaves crunched loudly beneath his feet. He steadily pushed brush and branches aside with his left hand as he trudged forward, while he tightly gripped his shotgun with his right hand. The noise seemed to echo through silent woods as he tramped and slogged his way onward. As of now, the mans' goal was simple; make his way out of these woods, which he planned to have done no later than this afternoon.