Nybras was at least a bit more prepared for the intensity this time around. While he was getting a glance into her she, of course, got a brief glimpse into him as well. She could see the comfortable, if secluded, life he lived at the mage academy he'd come from. The shy lizard would always tuck himself away from most of the other students, burying himself in the search for more magical knowledge and power though as much as he dedicated himself to his pursuits the pangs of loneliness would still overtake him at times, he'd wonder why he was seeking with no one to share it with but he still never found the courage to seek out his peers. Both their visions were cut off after not too long. Nybras found that either he, or her, or perhaps they had both pulling into an embrace, his arms were wrapped around her and his snout was nestled into her neck. When he managed to regain himself he pulled away "I...T-that, um, it's only temporary but it should help you...with your third eye, I mean" he fidgeted a bit nervously, looking between her and the paper.