[b]Dreadnought Madron[/b] Admiral Naari along with holographic representations of a few high ranking fleet officers discussed current military action. She already expressed her wish for an assault on the superior fleet. The battle map represented in the large room showed a visual representation of the battle space.The scenario Admiral Naari presented was a simple hit and run attack using precise ftl jumps to hit key targets and jump away. Deploy ground forces in the process to secure the settlement where the Asari were likely being held. Of course the option to simply retreat while leaving some reconnaissance ships in the field to monitor the situation was presented. The latter is what most of the officers present agreed was the most reasonable choice. Asari in general hated groups like the Covenant. The last fanatically religious species they battled used powerful fusion weapons to annihilate themselves instead of submitting. While emotionally preferable the former was unlikely to accomplish any objective without significant assistance. The Admiral couldn't help but agree with this.Even with more forces under her command than she has ever had it was still impossible to successfully engage the enemy. For some time she seriously considered simply attacking once, deploying anti matter and warp bombs and disappearing into ftl. Destroying or even crippling dreadnought size enemy vessels would have to be enough.