"Good work on the Servo-Skulls Vala, let's just hope they can do their job and return to us in one piece." Andromedai had been pacing back and forth inside of the Warehouse, keeping an eye on its exterior while the mercenary engineer worked to convert Adrianne's Servo-Skulls. She ended up by Vala's side a few moments before she finished her work. "All I need to do is to connect to their interface and tell them where to go and what to do." A small wire that came from the side of her data-pad was now plugged into the first Servo-Skull while her right hand worked tirelessly across its surface to enter in its new directive. "The information I am entering into the Servo-Skulls should be simple enough for them to not mess up. Basically their orders are to head to a safe vantage point of each remaining anti-aircraft canon and transmit a number of important details not only back to us, but also the Imperial Guard headquarters. Once that happens, our artillery cannon's will take care of the rest for us." Andromedai would pause as the sound of a thundering engine in the distance that grew, she knew Adrianne had been trying to get the Ork Warbike to work but seeing her on the xenos vehicle, bothered her. "Adrianne! Get off of that Warbike before I decide to do something I'll probably regret. Riding on that Ork machine is Techno-Heresy, and I will have none of that." Shortly after Adrianne had parked the bike and gotten off of it, the Warbike fell apart right before their eyes and ended up a pile of scrap metal. Andromedai looked at the mess of metal before nodding her head in approval at its current condition and demise. "That problem fixed itself, a fitting end." After a short while of searching, Andromedai found a chair to sit in before dragging it back downstairs and into the middle of the warehouse, where the rest of her squad was waiting. Taking a seat, she pulled out her data-pad and pressed a button on its screen, sending the two Servo-Skulls out and towards their destination. She watched them leave then fade into active camouflage, disappearing from sight. "We should keep an eye on the one that is heading the furthest into enemy territory, if it fails to reach its objective, we will have to go there ourselves. That goes for both of them actually." This was not what she wanted to happen, and hopefully the mission would go smoothly.