The Stepstones - Blackguard Bay (Collab with [@AtomicNut]) After several had their say, Aemon turned to Layali and said, "I do not know if you should come. You are brave. But I do not know that it is enough. We go into dangerous waters, and this mission requires discretion and skill in arms both. I'm not sure that one so fair and genial as you, should come with us." Then he turned to his brother, "Rhaegar. You've proven your valor many times over. What do you wish to do? Shall you come with me? Or can I trust you to manage things for a short while? Viserys and Visenya will come with me. It could be up to you to oversee everyone else until we return." The answer would normally come out of the fourthbornes mouth as sure as day...although this time, Aemons words brought some worry into the youngest Prince. The past experiences of this campaign, especially the operation in which he rescued Arak Snow-the first time he even commanded men too-, gave him a new perspective on their mission. Should he remain unmoved on his goal of acting as a dedicated shield, or see the larger picture before him. After all, his brother wasn't a babe, this was the Prince of Dragonstone standing before him... "Aemon, do you really trust me in this oversee over our men?" he asked. Could he really command the same amount of respect just on his own? Visenya smiled at Rhaegar, and even Viserys nodded at his younger brother with a smirk. Aemon said, "I do trust you Rhaegar. You're as much a dragon as any of us. You proved yourself many times over already, and we need somebody that we can trust to do this right if you do remain here. Should anything go wrong, should anything happen to us, it will be up to you who will take up the mission for our family, our country, and our people. I know you won't let us down, no matter what you choose." Rhaegar didn't fail to notice the smiles of approval from both Viserys and Visenya, his own lip stretching to a similar one in reply. Just like every human being, the Prince wished to obtain a desire that was bigger than himself, and while it wasn't endless amounts of gold or fertile lands, praise was always something he secretely craved. "It will certaintly be a daunting task...perhaps even more so than yours. Being a Dragon can do so much for you Aemon..." he replied with a rare use of sarcasm, even amidst the lingering trace of self-doubt. He ignored the comment of something going wrong, as in his mind he could just not fathom the possibility of his eldest brother failing. Viserys chuckled, "Just make sure the ship doesn't sink before we get back. You realize how much I spent on good silks and velvets for this cutthroat wardrobe?" Aemon smiled minutely at his youngest brother, "Indeed it can, Rhaegar, more than you know. Very well, until we return you are in charge. If you see a yellow flare fly into the sky, that will be the signal to try and help us. Our.. special guest may come in handy then," Aemon nodded at the hooded figure who had accompanied the band this whole time. "Red, red means you must go immediately and not look back. And be on the look out for anyone trying to sneak up on you in this darkness." The Prince stood tall, "Alright, if that's all there is to it, it's time for us to go. A dozen at most, the rest of you will follow Prince Rhaegar. He speaks with my authority." The three elder royals all traded a glance with the Bold Dragon before turning on their heels and descending to a small skiff that would convey them, Captain Seronna, Tamsyn, and the rest of their companions to the beach, along with Tamsyn's Eel carrying the arm supplies. "As if you do not have enough back at home...not to count all the armor you keep at Summerhall." Rhaegar shot back at Viserys' quip with one of his own. After all, eh had to act to act more like a leader rather than a glorified wardrobe guard. He then listened carefully to Aemons instructions and nodded in agreement as he memorized them. Yellow for Reinforcement, Red to abandon the mission and abandon everyone left behind. Needless to say the latter was a choice he would rather avoid... His turned at their hooded ally, but before he could inquire or question further, they were already descending towards a small skiff "May the Warrior give you strength!" he called after them, before reciting a small prayer uder his breath. The Bold Dragon was never a religious sort, mostly missing the sermons in the Great Sept that the rest of the Royal Family was implored by the Most Devout to join, instead spending his time in the sparring yard. Yet it was moments like this that brought a profound need for faith into a man. "Well, if things are like that...uh. I think Prince Rhaegar would make a better use of me." Seran added, after pondering. They were carrying a lot of good competent swordsmen to the meeting, and his abilities could prove superfluous. Plus he reasoned that in the worst case scenario, it was Rhaegar the one who had attachment to his sister, which made in his eyes, more valuable than the other princes. "Besides, I might be recognized. even with the disguise." He paused as he walked towards Prince Rhaegar, and performed a corteous bow. Aemon nodded, "As you will. We shall proceed now at any rate." ------ (Collab with [@Greenie]) Later, the skiff began to approach the beach. They had edged onto the outskirts of the pirate armada, and most of them had been too drunk or otherwise preoccupied to even notice them as they slipped in among the other skiffs heading onto the beach. The Eel was small enough to beach itself on the sand as well, among the scores of fires that had gone up in the night. There were hundreds of pirates. Thousands even. And Aemon knew that even if they flew a yellow flare, even with their hooded ally, there would be little chance of escape if this all went to hell. Which meant getting this deception done without a hitch, was the best move forward. Aemon allowed Seronna to talk and grease palms, preferring to remain quiet. There were a few score of their number who had landed, mostly Seronna's own Maiden's Men. They made blending in much easier, and Viserys did an admirable job of appearing like a Lysene lout. Aemon kept at Seronna's side, well within dagger reach. Should the lady pirate betray them, she would be the first to die, and she knew it. But she did her job and kept up the facade. One band of armed and armored cutthroats approached them, led by a man with a bright gold bandana and skin dark as pitch. His accent placed him from the Basilisk Isles, "Seronna, you're late." The blonde captain bowed her head, "Fashionably, Bill. Fashionably." "What the hell is this? You were supposed to bring the weapons, not the damn ship too." She shrugged, "Change of plans. The royalists cracked down. Took Goldbeard, killed the Grey Septon in the cove. Captain Draxos and I had the get out of there, and the smuggler decided to tag along instead of getting thrown into a dungeon. Figured she might come in useful anyway." Bill, apparently, looked Aemon up and down, "Draxos eh? You're younger than I'd think you'd be." Aemon grinned, speaking with a Lysene lilt, "Didn't stop your mum." It was dead silent for several moments, all the chatter dying as the pirates turned to look at them. Bill glared at Aemon. Then he laughed, and everyone else followed. Bill jerked his head, "Come on then, it's starting." Seronna nodded, "Lead the way. We're the last to arrive I suppose. Quite a gathering." Bill turned and lead them deeper into the forest away from the beachside festivities, "You're damn right. We have ships from all over the islands, all the captains together. We hired sellsails from the Three Daughters, Braavos, Pentos, Volantis, Lorath. The Basilisk Isles. The Bay of Dragons. Even some pirates and cutthroats, from the mainland. The Black Kracken has some of his armada parked on the other side. Three hundred ships, easily. Closer to four. More than enough to sink Aurane's castle back into the sea." Aemon nodded, "Impressive." Inwardly he cursed. Three Hundred. Enough to match both the ships his father sent and the ships Aurane and Salladhor Saan could rely on, as frustratingly placid as most of the local lords had been. And the rumors were right. The Black Kracken was with the Scorpions. He was one of the most dangerous pirates on the fourteen seas. And he was here. Aemon had never met the man, but even he knew enough to be nervous. He was the Crow's Eye's son. He had inherited his father's ship, and some said his cruelty and his curiosity for black magic. He had gone into exile in the Far East to build up his forces to challenge his cousin, Asha for the rulership of the Iron Islands, and now apparently, he was here in the Stepstones to help the Scorpions. It made sense. With the Iron Throne focused on the islands, it would allow him to go to the west while the royal fleets struggled to restore control over the province. This whole mission just got intensely more complicated. But all the reaction Aemon showed was an appreciative nod, "Good. That Ironborn bastard can help us with the royalists." Bill laughed, "That's the idea Draxos, that's the idea." Eventually they reached a clearing near a river that fed into the sea, the moon clear above. There were dozens of pirates there already. Several pirate captains, corsairs, and sellsails that Aemon knew by reputation if not by sight. He saw the Black Kraken. He was dressed in dark leather, his armored breastplate emblazoned with a black kraken with a red eye, a great axe in one arm and a valyrian steel dagger at his belt. His hair was dirty blonde, and his eyes were as blue as the ocean. He was young, not much older than Aemon, and would have been comely. But the scars and the cruel set of his features spoiled the effect. Out of everyone there, he had one of the largest retinues, all of them hardened killers by the look of them, most of them from the Iron Islands. The one with the largest retinue was the Scorpion King. He was shorter than Aemon would have guessed, and slimmer of frame, but even so he had two sabers at his belt and covered his face with a dark red cloth that color of blood. A black scorpion marked his breastplate. He was surrounded by pirates of every description and upon his head was a golden coronet set with a grinning skull. In the low light, it was hard to tell, but Aemon thought he saw a flash of dark blue eyes. It seemed, even here, the Scorpion King wanted to hide his identity. Bill said, "Captain Seronna and Captain Draxos. Goldbeard and the Grey Septon were taken out." A ginger of about fifty with a long bushy beard, standing next to the Scorpion King stepped forward and said, "Troubling news. But we welcome the Maiden's Men and the Silver Serpents to our company. Our King would like to thank both of you for your help in breaking Aurane. And he would also extend his regard to the famous Captain Draxos." The Scorpion King nodded at Aemon and he nodded back, "Good to be among like-minded company. Now, we getting to business?" The man was likely Redbeard, a famous Stepstoner and said to be the Scorpion's right hand. Suddenly, Aemon noticed a surge in the water and someone threw themselves out of the river, to rest on the rock. Aemon gaped for a moment before recovering. She was beautiful. With full womanly curves, soft skin, long glistening hair, and bright big eyes. She was as naked as her nameday. And her hair was black as the night, with streaks of blonde from the salt of the sea. Her eyes were nearly white, shining in the moonlight, and her skin was a greenish blue, the hue of the ocean. She had gills, and Aemon could see that her naked feet were webbed, as well as her hands. And that the lower half of her legs were scaled in the colors of the rainbow, the moonlight reflecting in dazzling patterns. He thought that he saw a flash of a fin or tail when he saw her perch on the rock, but when the water settled, he saw only legs. A mermaid. A real life mermaid. Aemon knew that the monsters of the deep were real, ever since the attack on the Red Keep. But a mermaid? He didn't expect that. The being of legend looked at him and smiled. He could only stare back. Almost everyone stared, including Captain Dagon Pyke, who looked at her with a leer in his bright blue eyes that Aemon misliked. Redbeard stepped up and said, "Alright, alright, all of you stop gawking. Welcome, Princess. Our regards to your father. Now that you're here we can begin." Aemon's mind worked. Princess. Merling royalty? Did that mean that the stories of a Merling King were true? And that this Merling King was allied with the Scorpions? It explained how the castle had been attacked by creatures of the deep. The Scorpions had the forces of the sea, seemingly at their disposal. This already daunting mission just became more dangerous. How could they counter such a force with their own ships? And Aemon had a horrifying thought. If the sea creatures were working with the Stepstoners. That meant that there was another party in play. Shadowbinders. His eyes darted around but he didn't see any sign of sorcerers, especially the female warlock who had attacked him at the Red Keep. He may have looked much different with his haircut, his clothes, and several weeks worth of beard. But he didn't want to risk that she recognized him. It would have blown this whole operation and gotten them killed. And yet the fact she wasn't there, made him even more nervous. Why wasn't she here? Seronna noticed his ill ease, but did not show any visual acknowledgement, "Yeah, yeah. Pretty girl. But can we move on with the plan? I have a need for a drink." There was a murmur of agreement from those around them. Redbeard grinned, "Alright then, listen in. We'll tell you how we're going to destroy the Velaryon fleet, and rid the islands of the royalist scum for good and all." So far, joining Aemon's group was proving to be full of shocks for Taria, even more so than any of her previous 'adventures' since the night of the Prince's wedding. Still, the latest two were enough to send her mind riling. The Black Kraken... this was indeed an epithet she was familiar with. The rogue Greyjoy and his men had been the whole reason she left the Iron Islands in the first place; she had been a coward and hardly wished to meet her dreaded relative in combat. It seemed fate had always meant for their paths to cross. She had expected the Scorpion King to look as he did, intimidating to the eyes, enough to make ones knees shake. It still didn't quite effect her as much as the Black Kraken; he looked more terrifying than she had imagined, and it was hard to keep the expression on her face calm and collected. As if that hadn't been enough, there was the mermaid. Even Taria couldn't keep herself from gaping at her like the others. Yes, she was beautiful, but it wasn't the quite that. It was more the otherworldiness she represented. She believed in the Drowning God so a mermaid shouldn't have seemed like such a farfetched idea, but the fact was that she'd never believed in those tales. She looked to her companions for a fleeting moment before returning her gaze to Redbeard. Her mind was rather overwhelmed, however. Why were the Merlings allied with the Scorpion King? And more importantly, how could they possibly with this fight when their enemy literally surrounded them from all sides? Redbeard laid out the general overview of the plan for the gathered pirates, killers, and mercenaries. They would apportion an armada to strike in a feint to draw the attention of the royal fleet. One of their captains would lead an assault on Bloodstone, at the major port of Red Harbor, ostensibly to retake control of the island from the royalists. He also revealed that the true portion of their strength, including the Black Kracken and the merling forces, would then strike at Torturer's Deep in a lightning attack while the main royal armada was engaged in a false attack. They would take Aurane's castle and take Lord Velaryon and as many others hostage, then use them as leverage to force the exit of all royal forces from the Stepstones. The diversionary fleet would all depart in single ships or small groups and rendevouz close to the Harbor. The attack fleet would do the same, so as to not be detected. It was simple, effective, and Aemon had the sneaking suspicion there was something more. But he could hardly voice his suspicions without drawing attention to himself, and for now, this was actionable intelligence. Aemon listened to the plan in silence, then said, "Just tell me where to go, and we'll do it." Redbeard smiled and traded glances with the Scorpion King, "We want you in our diversionary attack. It may not be the big one, but it will still be dangerous and we need someone with a good head on his shoulders to be there. Captain Seronna though, she'll be with us in the main strike." Aemon grunted, "So be it, I'll do as the King says, long as I get paid." The Scorpion King's aide laughed, "Oh aye, you'll have plenty of coin from plunder too, I'm sure." It continued on like that for several moments with back and forth between the various pirates, Aemon nodding at Seronna who nodded back. She knew what to do. She would take her Maiden's Men, and several royalists including Visenya, with her as part of the main fleet. Aemon and the Silver Serpent would warn the crown and help stop the attack. Dagon Pyke spoke up, "When do we move then? My men and I came to fight, not talk. And enjoy the local color of course." Dagon smirked at the Merling once more, who met his eyes with a look Aemon couldn't decipher. Redbeard said, "We can start leaving now, we need to move quickly, before the Throne has too much of a hold on the islands. You all know your parts, let's get these royal bastards out of here." There was a chorus of cheers at that, Aemon nodding in affirmation, then the meeting began to break up, pirates leaving to either join the festivities or prepare to leave. The Prince caught once last glimpse of the Merling Princess as the Scorpion King went to her with his retinue behind him. The Princess smiled dazzilingly and they seemed to begin to speak. Aemon looked away and he went to approach Seronna in a cluster with all of their crews. Aemon leaned in to Seronna and whispered under the babble of general ruckus, "Visenya and some of my men will accompany you. We'll break away from this diversion when we can and join you when the party starts. Good luck Captain." Seronna grinned, then leaned in and kissed Aemon full on the lips. Aemon was too surprised to do much more than widen his eyes. After a moment, Seronna pulled back and laughed, "A far better parting gift don't you think?" Aemon arched his eyebrow, "I definitely won't forget." "Then I haven't lost my touch. Good luck, Captain." She turned to leave, her men following her. Aemon walked over to Visenya and said, "Keep an eye on her, stay alert. Don't take any unecessary risks. Keep our people safe. And we'll meet again soon. Godspeed cousin." Viserys swaggered up, "Indeed. Without you, the repartee would decline rapidly." Visenya nodded, smirking, "Don't worry about me cousins. You still me owe me twenty gold. You can bet I'll be coming back for that." Viserys smiled at Visenya and the three of them stood there in a circle, silent for a moment. Aemon said, "We will all meet again. I know it." Visenya embraced Aemon, then Viserys. The rest of the company made their goodbyes and they all left. Visenya looked back one last time and then there were gone, with the Maiden's Men. Aemon watcbed her leave and then he motioned to Viserys and the men following them, heading back to the beach, and then on to the Silver Serpent. The night was dark, the future uncertain, but they had a job to do. ---------------- The Golden Tooth Lord Lorimer awoke where had fallen asleep, in the lord's seat of the Golden Tooth's great hall. And he wasn't alone. Men in white and red livery stood all along the walls, two of them right behind Lorimer with longswords at their hips. His sister, his wife, all of his men were gone. Ser Leon stood at the far end of the table, his face grim, his eyes seeming somewhat regretful. Next to him, in the chair directly across from Lorimer sat another man. He was older than Leon, at least in his third decade, and looked much like him. Golden hair that was cropped short, a square cut golden beard that was kept nearly trimmed. And light brown eyes with flecks of amber. The man's face was unscarred, and he was even comelier than Leon, with a lord's bearing and countenance. The nobleman was bedecked in a set of white plate armor with red enamel, with red lions as pauldrons, and golden insets shaped into claws along the collar. The man spoke in a refined baritone, "I apologize for the intrusion, my Lord Lefford. Rest assured, your family, your soldiers, and your servants are all unharmed. I simply wished to have a chance to speak to you alone. I had hoped for our first meeting to go more smoothly, but my plans have been accelarated." He smiled, "I see you have treated my brother well. I thank you for that. The roads are not as hospitable as they once were." A servant, one of Lorimer's own, came and poured wine for both of them. The man picked up his glass and said, "Don't worry. It's perfectly harmless. I thought there was no point in wasting fine food and drink, when you already went to the trouble of setting it out." "We do have occasion to celebrate after all. House Lorimer has returned to the Golden Tooth. And House Reyne has returned to Castamere." The man stared into Lorimer's eyes, "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Lord Roger Reyne, Lord of Castamere. And I'm here to talk." "I believe we can come to an arrangement." --------------- The Vulture's Roost Andrew Tarth gritted his teeth, rising from the ground as the battle came to a close all around him. The royalists had flooded into the fort and the Vultures were all dead, dying, or surrendered. Ser Uther's mad charge had saved his life, killed the beast, and left almost no resistance in the enemy camp. Andrew watched as the alchemist knight Hallyne rose, coughing and clutching his throat. Ser Tarth came and helped the young man up and they both hobbled over to the battlements, looking over into the chasm where Ser Uther had fallen. They watched as the dragon banner flew over the Vulture's Roost and stood as the men cheered and raised their weapons to their air. The two warriors had no cheer in them and Hallyne looked down into the chasm, "He's gone. Nobody could have survived that." Andrew was silent, then said, "There is always a chance. Tend to the wounded. Gather the prisoners. Send a raven to Gendry. Tell them we took the Vulture's Roost. And organize a search party immediately. We're bringing Ser Uther home, one way or another."