[center][b]Paradise The Tipsy Rancor, dive bar[/b][/center] The bar stank of cigarettes and lies, a small trio of musicians played a somber tune in the corner of the establishment. A bith blew into a flute, his fingertips dancing across the instrument as the song progressed. He was in rhythm with a human who was strumming a seven-string hallikset. Both musicians flanked a green skinned Twilek woman, clad in a tight black dress. As Talina stepped into the tavern the wookie bouncer give her a glare, then rose a furred paw indicating that she was allowed inside. She was happy the furbag had let her in without incident, those animals shouldn't be in a place like this. They belonged tolling along in the mines across the galaxy, using their great strength for something productive. If this wasn't a neutral location then she would have certainly informed the Empire of the beast. She let out a deep breath then approached the central bar in the middle, a grey haired man behind it, polishing a shot glass. She was relieved it was a human there. She didn't feel like trying to enunciate her words for some bug eyed freak that would undoubtedly screw up her order. "One vodka martini, stirred with a twist." Talina ordered with a smile as she put her arms on the bar and waited. The bartender gave her a nod then went straight to work. His fingers seemed to move in synch with the music as he put together her drink. The bar was quiet, only three patrons sat at it. Two rough looking men, one missing a right arm, and a duros. The latter gave her nothing but the briefest of glances then looked back at the band. The gaze from the other two lasted longer, the armless fellow not so inconspicuously checking her out. Talina wasn't dressed like most off duty Imperials would. A cutoff shirt with a hardy leather jacket on her upper body, then a pair of black slacks with high heeled boots on her lower half. The armless man seemed to be eyeing her backside. The Imperial agent shot an icy glare at both men. They locked eyes, the duo then seemed to collectively smirk before finally looking away from Talina. Then her drink was placed in front of her, she gave the barkeep a smile then retreated to a table in the back of the room. As the tailhead wailed into the microphone in the corner of the pub, Talina sat down, taking a sip of her martini. She blinked as she downed the smooth taste of alcohol. There was nothing better than a refreshing drink after a hard day's work. She was by no means an alcoholic, so many in the Hutt systems were that. Their entire existence was based around perpetual intoxication. What a waste of life. At least they were easy to extract information from. "You crooked nerfherder! I saw you peeking at my cards." A man in a booth within speaking distance from her's exclaimed, then rose up from his seat, then lunged over towards the surprised rodian, grabbing him by the collar. The bar room went silent, the band pausing their music as the musician hit a bad note on his hallikset. "Put him down now. I've told you before Reyza. You can't pull this nonsense [i]in[/i] my bar. There's no fights in here or I'll have Urryhr rip him from your arms. He'd take your whole arm with it." The bartender hollered from his position behind the bar. The wookie bouncer scowled, then clenched his fists, just waiting for the moment for his boss to order him into action. Talina could practically see the boiling rage on the beast's face. Reyza glanced around, his hand starting to shake before he let go of the rodian, then issued a quick look of apology to the bartender. As the man sat down the calmness seemed to return to the The Tipsy Rancor. Talina had watched the entire incident with curiosity, she didn't doubt the rodian had cheated. They were a notoriously untrustworthy species, dirty in their ways and thinking. She returned to sipping her martini and watching the band as they had returned to playing. Her attention was pulled from that as she watched the two dirtballs that were eyeballing her get up from their seats and stroll towards her. She sighed, rolling her eyes. Talina did not even look up at them as they stood in front of her table, the one of them able to cross his arms doing so. Both of them stunk of booze and cigarettes. "Hey there pretty lady, whats a girl like you doing in a dirty place like this?" The armless one spoke, trying to flirt with her. This made her roll her eyes again and causing her to try her best to not gag in disgust. "Why don't you come back with us to our ship? We're both merchants, heading to Coruscant." The other one said with a stupid smile on his face. Talina stared at the table, then finally glanced up at both of the fools. They didn't know who they were speaking to, of course they didn't, her occupation was not known to all but a few in the Empire. "Walk away now boys. You've both clearly had too much to drink and honestly, neither of you are even worth the breath it takes to talk to you." She said coldly, leering at both of them with an expression of disgust. "What did she just say?" "You have some nerve, harpy, we're just trying to help a girl out." The armless one replied, giving a dumb smirk once more. At that moment Talina swore if she saw him give that stupid smile again then she'd knock the teeth clean from his mouth. "Go away. I'm not normally this nice." Talina muttered, resting her hand on her forehead. Her other hand went down towards her hip, underneath the table. "Come on baby." The one armed idiot pitifully said, then grabbed her shoulder. That was it. They were lucky she even was speaking to them, touching them was a whole different level. The fact that they thought they even had the right to touch someone of her level sent her into an instant rage. Her hand shot at his firmly grasping the wrist with surprising swiftness, then she bent it in a direction it should not have gone, slamming the lower part of her hand down hard on his limb. Then the sickening sound of a bone being shattered echoed through the bar, then the man hollered. As the other man reeled in shock he went to grab her, his buddy still in pain, his one good arm no longer good. Talina slipped from her seat, tucking underneath the man's grasp. One of her feet slipped just in front of her attacker's left shin, then she lifted the leg up and pushed down on the back of his head with one of her hands. The wooden table shook as the man's skull impacted onto it, knocking him out unconscious. The other man blinked, then uselessly lunged at Talina. She darted underneath the swing with a stunningly fast amount of athleticism. Her right boot came up and nailed the man in the crotch, as he bent over in pain she brought a fist up to meet with the man's temple. He too was down for the count, out cold next to his idiot friend. The Imperial agent didn't even break a sweat. "Sorry about that. I can't stand creeps like that." Talina said with a nervous smile, then quickly finished her drink. She moved towards the bar and paid for her martini, counting out just the right amount of credits. She left a nice tip for the bartender, then speed walked out the door. The wookie bouncer's mouth was wide open in surprise at what had just transpired. As Talina vanished into the crowd the Tipsy Rancor was quiet once more. A few minutes after she had departed and both drunkards were removed, the pub returned to its usual state.