[center][h2][color=ed1c24]Janet[/color][/h2][/center] Janet was surprised at the cook's sudden unnatural movements. Not to mention of him talking about a fruit. What he did was somewhat as perculiar as her own. [i]Fruit?[/i] It was a long time ago, but she wouldn't forget the day she first exploded and killed her parents unintentionally. Now to recall it, she did remember eating a disgusting fruit the same day. [i]So, there aren't only one of those exploding fruits in the world.[/i] [i]So, he is the same as me, he can explode too![/i] Janet let out a smirk upon that 'realisation' of Kyy's strange abilities. Her conclusions are Kyy is also immune to explosions, so she wouldn't have to worry about holding back. [color=ed1c24]"I've been waiting for this goddamned moment for too long..."[/color] She snorted, making a strong throw of her Javelin right towards the booze storage as the Javelin exploded. The booze storage got caught among the explosion and ignited almost immediately, creating a second, larger explosion that engulfed the whole tavern & blew the roof apart. She finds that guy too annoying, all talk but barely any action. She let out a sigh of relief whilst inside the ever familiar explosion that she was immune to. Still, she had caused a scene on the first week as a pirate, she hoped that her bounty would stay low for a while, despite her clear & obvious collateral damages.