[center][h2]New California Republic[/h2][/center] [img]https://img00.deviantart.net/f6d6/i/2014/056/d/e/ncr_flag_revisited_by_ncrveteran2296-d77xrek.jpg[/img] [@Wampower][@Andronicus23][@Gingy] [u][b]General Shu, Shady Sands[/b][/u] The cadre of Officers, Veterans and Rangers that accompanied General Shu to the center of governance of the NCR was a rather somber sight to be honest. Namely the streets, as restored as one could make after a nuclear annihilation was filled with people - all shouting down the policies of the politicians whom supported President Kimball as well as the dead man itself. The irony of the fact was, the only reason that the protestors hadn't stormed the building was namely cause the place was under lockdown. Except, the police were facing with their backs to the crowd - namely the Sheriff of Shady Sands had lost a brother in Kimball' push Eastward and had ordered what police existed in Shady Sands to barricade the Governmental Building itself. Trapping the politicians of the NCR, with zero power in their hands. Democracy had a hidden edge that many seemed to forget - democracy might seem inshakeable from within, yet there always existed the danger of internal revolt. Even a free society that was the New California Republic. Especially when it was costing their money, and their sons and daughters to satisfy the urges of greedy men. Once the people might have agreed to push East and 'civilize' the Wasteland - but there were other factions in play now. Whose political system was strong enough to resist and even hurt the NCR. General Shu didn't stay to address the crowd or answer their questions - just having the soldiers create a path, without hurting any of the civilians towards the place that was once known as the California State Capitol. It didn't take much, to get and break down the barricade - having troops march in. He kept his face neutral upon finding the huddled mass of politicians, he hated doing this - but the NCR needed to change or die. "I am sorry for doing this. But the people have spoken, and in a democracy the will of the [b]people[/b] must be enforced. Your being placed under house arrest," he stated. Not arrested, just confined to their homes. [hr] [hider=NCR' Rebirth][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxcYSEcH8Fk[/youtube][/hider] It took several days, before any news started flowing again through the New California Republic. Namely news that would reach even to the casinos of New Vegas itself. Some might be cheering, some might be laughing at the irony and others might be praying things didn't turn out for the worse. As namely the voice of General Shu, head of the NCR Provisional Government made his speech on the national radio: [i]"My name is General Lee Hsu. You might have heard my name, I have served in the multiple fronts that the New California Republic has deployed into the Mojave Wasteland and farther beyond." "What you are hearing, is what you might think is a coup. I make no mistake to hide it, indeed - one can call it a public revolt against the elected government. Or simply a coup lead by the military establishment. Many, like myself - have groaned under the corruption of the NCR. Defenders say it is merely the pains of a fledgling democracy...others say it is the sign of a bloated and corrupt system." "What now? You might ask. Wasting your time with philosophy is likely not what you usually tune into. So, I will try and make this brief and informative. The New California Republic is not disbanding, nor going under martial or dictatorial rule. For you regular people, nothing will much change - work will continue, caps will be paid and crops will be collected. For the system...it needs change." "We can NOT remain a nation, that has to survive on expansion. No such nation can survive forever - to do so would be the crown one an Empire. No Empire has stood forever - it is the will of the people, that change, progress and understanding develops. But sadly, that will has been abused...many times over. By people, whom tax one heavily. By people, whom send you to die for reasons you can't understand. By people, whom would spout freedom as an excuse to invade those, that might seem 'different'." "Yes, we have nations at our borders who aren't democratic, free or you might say just. But who are we, do tell them so? Aren't we bound by the notion of freedom of speech? The right to hold one belief sacred?" "The New California Republic - in its core, will remain the same. In the coming weeks, there will be a change to the political system. We will transition from a Republican system, where everything is run from Shady Sands - to a more federalized system, where many states that make up the NCR will have more word and say." "What will that mean for you? Less taxes and less bureacracy in your dealings with the government. Shady Sands will still remain our capital - but most of your political work, can be done in the state in which you live in. In the following days, I will be in contact with the Governors that are there to manage your states. There will be new elections, and well as new laws that will be drafted up in the near future." "We will be looking more inward, starting to develop and build upon what we have. We can't expand forever, there are others whom do not like what we are doing. Once we might have ignored them. We can longer do that. We have a choice - we can either change with the growing times or go the fate of our predecessor. If one has to wonder what that is - one has to only look out the window." "This is General Lee Shu. Out."[/i]