[@Circ] A matrix is a circuit, just different wording My explanation for making her lightning blood tier 3 is that she can't use it in pinpoint attacks by itself. As such, it is not as versatile as what I would percieve a tier 4 ability to be. As for the metal based magic: she can only control 1 lb at any time. Thus, it can only be used in pinpoint attacks and has no potential for a large scale manuever of any kind. Example: A bullet flying at her, if she notices it, then she can stop it. If she doesn't see it, she will get hit by said bullet. A ship flying at her, she cannot stop that. It's just too big. Does this work, or do you need me to explain it in more depth in the CS? I believe it to be just a difference in interpretation of the tiers. If you would still like me to change my CS, then I can.