- [i]Would you like a more consistent speed with the RP? Faster or this is fine?[/i] I would have no issue going a little faster but I'm content with how things are right now. As long as we have a bit of direction I think this is fine. - [i]Is "1 post per 3-days" too small of a window to make posts[/i]? I have no problems maintaining this but on a few weekends I will only be able to post late Sunday but I can let you know when that happens. - [i]Whats the biggest issue for you (personally) that makes you go past the 3-day post timing[/i]? Trying to think of a good response. I am the biggest critic of my own writing so I try to write something at least decent. Otherwise I am unsure if I should wait for someone else before posting. - [i]How can I (HueMan) help to fix that issue[/i]? I'm really not sure, I guess pm'ing the person who is expected to post next? Maybe after two days post in the IC anyone who has yet to post for the three days. - [i]Do you have any suggestions or comments regarding the rp so far? Anything goes[/i]. A part of me really wishes I could create another character for this but I can just make interesting NPCs if that's fine. I'm really liking everything so far and the amount of items and skills is really impressive. Just keeping doing you, my HueMan!