Watching her with curiosity. Kili began to wonder, if that curiosity would be sated. He wondered, if there was something she knew...something that he didn't. He himself, sat down upon one of the comfy chairs near the fireplace. He did not suspect, what he was about to learn in the next few moments. He blinked in surprise, as she mentioned his mother. But the fondness in her eyes, made him smile. It felt motherly, and it warmed his heart. It reminded him, of his mother. He always loved,a mother's warm, full of love and tenderness. He was quite, as he listened to her patiently. The way she spoke about her mother, it sounded like the pair of them very close indeed. Almost like sisters. Kili smiled to himself. He and his elder brother, Fili did love to play in the woods as young children. Kili still, to this day, loved the woods. Maybe it was just the sense of adventure, that he liked from that young age. As he got a bit too warm, by the fire place. Kili stood once again, pacing a little bit to stretch his legs. Maybe for a few moments, he felt a little unsettled and anxious to hear the end of the story. His eyes widened, when he heard her words. "You're family?" he blinked, taking it all in. Her words still swimming around in his head. It took him a few moments to try and absorb what she had just told him. Delva...he remembered Delva very well. She had been someone, Important to him and Fili growing up. Someone whom, he'd grown to love, admire and wished to meet. He smiled down at Saeril. "You have no idea, how much I always wanted to meet you." He blurted out...As honest as it was. It might have came to shock someone else. "Fili! You have to hear this!" He called out for his elder brother, in excitement.