[h2]Delucian District and the Docks[/h2] Ryker watched the woman as she walked out of the building. He recognized the stain of blood on her garments immediately. He stared for a moment, stopping in his place. She seemed to be coming from a residential area. Someone must have died, he concluded as he turned and continued walking. He stopped by a local pub and had a quick meal with a strong ale. It was fortunate timing of this new job as he had just about emptied his purse. He nodded at the barkeep and headed back to his room. The man he had seen while leaving earlier was gone and the innkeep was quietly sweeping. He disappeared into his room, unloading his gear and laying down in the bed. The next morning he awoke with the dawn. He gathered his gear, packing everything he had into a small bag that he swung over his shoulder. He walked out of his room and to the counter the innkeeper was sitting behind. [color=#9ec9cf]"I don't imagine I will be back for some time. Thank you for your hospitality."[/color] He left a few more coins on the counter and left. He walked down the streets, the early morning hustle and bustle just beginning. He breathed in the city air, many different smells mingling together to create a rather unique stench. Coming upon The Rugged Fish, he entered and paused just inside the doorway. He looked around briefly before heading to Alexandra's room. He knocked quietly on the door and waited for a response.