[@AGenericUser] Lalisa watches as her words begin to impact Feine in curious ways--first, the boy grabs ahold of his shirt pocket, which signals that he's shaken. She supposes she upset him somehow, without meaning to. How impolite of her. This conversation thing is harder than it seems. He stays quiet for a moment, and Lalisa wonders whether she should apologize for not hearing of his books. But, it's not like she could've changed that somehow; Grandmama is a very [i]overbearing[/i] parental figure, and Lalisa mostly just reads what she's given. She'll have to do research on Feine Rither once she can access the Academy's library, or maybe their computer system--she'll need help with that. And then, surprisingly, Feine gasps. It surprises Lalisa, at least, because he seemed such a cool-headed figure. His entire countenance changes; excitedly, he begins to rave about Shakespeare's works, all coolness forgotten. Lalisa finds it a bit cute, actually. And he accepts her cookie! He seems so eager to taste it, too... "I completely agree! Shakespeare was a genius, easily one of the best authors to ever live. His characters and tragedies are so... beautiful!" Lalisa can't help but fangirl a bit, too--after all, Shakespeare gave her much comfort during the long afternoon hours of silence. She loves books, and anyone who agrees, well... they can't be [i]that[/i] bad. And the way he describes his writing! Amazing. Lalisa decides she likes this Feine, after all. And she should check out his books. He's laying it on a little thick, though. Her cookies aren't [i]that[/i] good. She hands him one. "Chocolate chip," she explains. "I made them to hand out to other students. I hope you'll like them... they aren't that good, really..." She laughs, a bit embarrassed at the amount of praise she's been getting. It's overwhelming. "I'm not sure why they were fighting, though. If you can even call it that. I think Ashley just doesn't like boys, for some reason. Anyway, I mustn't gossip..."