Well in my original interest check I said most fantasy races are fair game, as for orcs and other races like those It would all depend on how you wish to portray them. Such as the elves, I decided on only having 2 known races of elves, each having differences from eachother. Wood elves are most often the height of humans or slightly shorter and are known for their accomplished archers. They are normally very xenophobic and stay hidden within their forests, while those who leave are most often young ones experiencing a sort of coming of age ceremony where they travel the world they live in. High elves are normally a full head taller than most humans and are natural spellcasters. They are the definition of the stereotypical elf, high and mighty, arrogant to a fault but not without reason. Whatever a high elf deems worthy of doing is never out of reach. So to answer your question, it all depends on how you want to portray your orcs and other races, seeing how early on the building process is I am sure we can make a place for them. [@MegaOscarPwn]