Kili was always very upbeat. At times, very hyper and excitable. Maybe more so than his elder brother. But that's why most, seemed to like and fall under the charm of his. Her laugh, made him smile. Kili liked making people, smile or laugh. It seemed to make his day. As her face went serious, he looked slightly worried. As he listened to 'Delva', his concern grew in his eyes. He wasn't a father, so he didn't know what it was like to take care of a child. But he knew, it was not easy. Growing up, his mother at times complained...what a handful he and Fili were, for sneaking off into the woods to explore without permission. His eyes were soft, as she seemed to be ashamed of running. But it seemed like she felt, like she had no other choice but to run. His hand reached down, placing it on her shoulder softly. Giving it a soft squeeze. "Those gifts and letters, meant a lot to me. Maybe people, just don't always understand someone whom is different...that's why fear seems to be easier, than understanding." Kili said, seemingly deep in thought about it. As he saw her black wings, he looked at them with curiosity. She wasn't like most she-elf's. For one, they didn't have wings like that. Hearing his brother, he grinned "Over here!" he said, glancing over at Fili whom was making his way over here. "Fil, you'll never guess who is here."he said, wiggling on his spot in excitement. "Oh, wipe that look off your face...I am fine." Kili huffed, seeing his concerned expression "And come and meet Delva." he said with a bright grin on his face...he was almost jumping up and down "You remember, how we always wanted to meet her? Well here...she is." he said with a beaming smile, nodding his head towards Searil whom was on the ground.