Nakreyya fell silent to let her companions speak on the issues she knew little about. She was not sure where this new camp was located, nor the difficulties of travel to get there. She tended to Anzu instead, listening to them speak of liches and destinies, and futures... Nakreyya's expression was reserved and quiet. Her mind tumbling over the idea that she may have been Destined to be here. That this may be where she belonged. She had not felt a true sense of landing since her flight had begun from her homeland. She had believed strongly that her life was over and she was doing nothing but surviving until her time of death. But the idea that this Soothsayer had seen her future with them filled her with a sense of relief, and also dread. The Griever had ruined all that Nakreyya held dear, and he had been the last of her major enemies. He had committed atrocities to get to her, removed her from friends and family... people she could no longer count on, or return to. He had been the driving force in separating her from the life she had once lead. And a part of her missed the adventure of fighting him. Missed it, and hated it... Hated it because of who she had once been. What she had once had. Rich, and powerful - beautiful, and loved. She had none of those things now. Fionn and Grug were companions - but more new to her world. They were not Ekhart... no one would be again. She could fight. Perhaps, hopefully, she could find a place to belong again, with the added benefit of not losing those dear to her - as she was short on such people. Anzu would survive either way, he was not of this plane. He was not of the living, in so many words - and for that she was grateful. And Fionn and Grug made their own decisions as to how they were to proceed. She was not 'dragging' them into a fight that was not theirs. She glanced back to the other two, the human and the orc, and awaited the decision. If camp were to be set, she would assist, if they were to travel, she would ride. [@Silvan Haven] [@Hekazu]