[@Zetsuko] She felt a warm almost burning sensation on her face. Nybras was like her, alone. The small difference was he never felt a connection with anyone. Everyone she ever felt a connection with betrayed her. ‘Does he feel one with me? A true connection?’ She thought, hoped. All of this was drown out by the fact she couldn't see! At first she started to panic and then her hand moved to her eyes. Tears were falling… She had forgotten what they were and how they felt. She no longer cared about this test and pulled herself into him. Burying her face into his chest. She was a mess. All of the years of bad crap came flooding back and she let it all out. After what seems like an hour, she finally stops crying. However she doesn't pull away immediately. She just sat and sniffled in his arms. He was first person she felt safe with. A cough rang out has the teacher reappears, well he was always there. “This is cute and all however the others were taken away.” He started with a small grin as he walked across the room. “It seems that opening their mind's eyes to one another was too much. I was going to leave you alone for another hour or so but it didn't seem like the gentleman thing to do. Leaving a lady with a… “ He paused searching for the correct word. “Male who may wish to court her in the future.” he finished with a small grin. He nodded at the piece of paper and then looked at them both. She shifted in her seat and then nodded to him as she pulled away. She left her hand entwined with his as she looked at the piece of paper. “On the count of three?” She asked him. She would wait for him to help and reveal what was on the paper. There were three arcane symbols. One of an arrow, the next of a heart, and the last of a wall. These words were symbolic and meant something. “Oh… that is interesting.” Said the child like man standing near them. “Solve this riddle.” He stated as he moved away from them. She shook a little looking at the symbolic puzzle before them. Her mind's eye closed a few moments into looking at the parchment. “I think this has something to do with the heart and possibly love?” She questioned as she looked at Nybras. Her hand gently squeezing his as she looked at their “teacher.”