Their reactions had been understandable, but as all Utena members knew, Shion and the one called Leviathan had a very complicated relationship. One could say they helped each other when necessary and worked against each other all the same. It had depended on what one had to gain from the other. If they needed information, one would provide it. If someone needed to set up some form of a trap, then, of course, the other would provide the means. Truth be told, Leviathan, despite what actions she has taken in the past, though not officially, was a member of Utena. But of course, that didn't make Shion's decision to allow her entry despite the outspoken disapproval of her being her any easier to digest. If anything, it made it even worse - well, as far as Emiri and Grant seemed to be concerned. The others didn't particularly like it any less than they did, either. Leviathan has done at least one thing to everyone in the room to warrant hatred. Even so, Shion, at least for the moment, had placed some amount of trust in her. What were they going to do? [color=teal]"Why have you come, Levi?"[/color] Michel asked her. He figured it should be someone who was at least [i]half[/i]-unbiased towards this woman to address her. [color=0f52ba]"Oh, how good to see you again Michel. I heard about your unfortunate run-in with the Creature. How awful it must've been for you. To think you had to resort to using the Void Whisper."[/color] She eyed him sweetly, tone feigning concern. [color=teal]"Please, spare me your theatrics and just tell us why you've come all this way."[/color] She let out a disappointed sigh. [color=0f52ba]"You're no fun, you know that? Fine, I'll tell you all."[/color] She turned around, looking at everyone. [color=0f52ba]"I heard through the grapevine that the dear Creature has stolen something of value."[/color] [color=fff79a]"Why doesn't it surprise me that you know about the Dynast Dome?"[/color] Wesley muttered, shaking his head. [color=0f52ba]"My dearest nephew--"[/color] [color=fff79a]"Not another word!"[/color] Wesley snapped, earning a genuine [i]oh[/i] from Levi. [color=0f52ba]"I know of someone who might be able to help you. In fact, this third party has agreed to help you all."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Who is it?"[/color] [color=0f52ba]"Why tell when I can show you?"[/color] As Levi had raised her arms up into the air and over her head, she let out a loud, passionate scream. Once she did that, a dark mist surrounded them all(minus Ren). It put them in some kind of vortex of blue and black mist, their eyes seeing the images of famous locations in Ivalice from the Phon Coast to the Tchita Uplands, the Pharos of Ridorana, and how it towered high in the sky, but not even that could penetrate a dark castle the was as high as the heavens itself. Before anyone could say a word because a couple of the group knew where this was, they were brought to a single throne room with only one inhabitant in it. And they all knew who it was. [color=0f52ba]"As we've discussed, I've brought them here."[/color] The figure in the throne smiled. [color=36454f]"How wonderful it is to see you all again,"[/color] Venat spoke, smiling at all of his lovely guests. [color=36454f]"Please, make yourself at home."[/color]