[center][h1]Tez Novacore[/h1] Ilos City, Downtown [/center] [hr] The Jedi weaved in and out of the proverbial traffic, slipping and passing people as he looked for a vantage point. Tez was tall, sure, but it was difficult to pick out a target on a street this crowded. He was on the look out for the Twi'Lek Supplier the gangster had unwillfully disclosed the general whereabouts of a while ago. Tez ducked into a nearby alley, looking for anything that could provide a vantage point. He looked up at the one-storey building which provided a perfect vantage point. Tez turned back to the wall behind him and began to ran at it. Kicking off from the wall, Tez used the Force to enhance his jump and grasped onto the ledge. Everyone seemed too busy with their days to notice anyway, so Tez wasn't too worried about suspiciously climbing on property anyway. Tez clambered onto the roof and made his way to the ledge, overlooking the street to pick out his target. A purple skinned Twi'Lek was about halfway down the street when Tez spotted him from the crowd. It was painfully obvious from a top-down view now that he was there. He was accompanied by a tough pair of Besalisks either side of him. If this wasn't Sola'nuga, then this day was going to be even longer. Tez descended from the building and shifted back into the crowd. With target in sight, the Jedi stalked his new prey throughout the streets, managing to hide behind a citizen whenever a guard looked over his shoulder. As they turned off the street, Tez followed suit, waiting patiently until they left the main streets. The vigilante darted behind a wall, peering round to spy his quarry and his goons being shown into a secluded back-alley building by a bouncer. If the shoe fits.. Tez approached the bouncer after waiting a few moments. Recognising the style of robes, the Bouncer pulled out a blaster. Tez simply gestured with his hand, using the force to pull the firearm out of his hand. The gun propelled into the wall behind him, smashing it altogether. The human guard grunted in frustration, before recklessly charging at the Jedi. He sighed as he leant out of the way, pushing the scoundrel past him and sending the bouncer crashing to the floor. Tez motioned for the door to slide open and made his way into the building. He could hear the thumping music as he descended down a flight of stairs. As he entered the large room, he could see the slave auction happen. There were all sorts of scumbags and criminals around him, but he decided to take it one step at a time. Tez stayed to the edges, remaining mostly unnoticed as he spotted Sola'nuga once again. Everyone seemed too focused on the girls being put on display to notice the Jedi skulking about. It wasn't until the Twi'Lek turned his head and saw the raven-haired Jedi staring right at him. [b]"Sola'nuga!"[/b] Tez called out over the background noise. The Twi'Lek's eyes widened, then signalled for his bodyguards to shoot. Before they could draw their weapons, Tez vaulted over the table separating them from each other. He kicked out with one leg, and crossed his fist over to the other bodyguard, simultaneously striking them both and making them stumble back. As Tez landed, he could already see his quarry sprinting off. Tez gave chase before the Besalisks could recover, racing after Sola'nuga. Bursting through another exit, Sola'nuga had lead Tez back onto the main street, however this time Tez was hot on his heels. Barging through the street crowd, Sola'nuga attempted to lose the Jedi in the bustle. Tez was too slippery for this, and soon enough he had a clear line of sight once again. Although, it seemed using the crowd as a hindrance worked to some effect, and Sola'nuga managed to clear some ground between the two. The Twi'lek clearly knew these streets much better than the Jedi and by using the winding streets and narrow alleys, it wasn't long before Tez lost his line of sight. Trying to follow the fleeting footsteps, Tez didn't have his advantage anymore and was now playing to his target's tune, not his own. A really long day...