[quote=McFazzer] Isn't that the great white tiger of the west Bai Hu? Well that's what he is in Chinese mythology anyway [/quote] Basically. Every East-Asian culture has their own name for it. [quote=Everblight] It does appear in Greek Mythology though. In Greek it's known as a Ketos but if I go around saying that: one, people won't know what I mean and two, I sound really high and mighty :P [/quote] Don't flatter yourself too much. The Kraken (which is strictly speaking closer to the definition of a cryptid) and the Ketos (plural) are only similar in that they are large underwater monsters. Ketos is the root word of Cetacean, the order of mammals such as whales and dolphins. If you want to generalize the hell out of them even more, just call all of them "leviathans." [quote=Usurper King] The Norse and Greek religions are pretty much the same in structure- they're part of the Indo-European Pantheon. The Celtic and Semitic religions are part of it too [/quote] While they might be comparable in structure, we're discussing the individual facets that differentiate them. Saying, "To hell with it, they're all the same," is the bane of anthropologists, archeologists and historians everywhere.