The few days it took to have the funeral prepared, Juliettee hardly left Ryan alone. She put as much of her busy work as she could to the side so that she could be with him when he wanted her around. She was worried about him and about the whole ordeal. She was next to him in the cathedral in a simple black dress; none of the fashionable accessories she would normally wear either. She felt like her large white wings were distracting enough to the few who could see them. Ariana was dreading the day of the funeral. She didn't have much hope that she was going to make it through the service without blowing every fuse in a five mile radius. Luckily, as much luck as she given, she had a bracelet that, if she needed, she could activate and prohibit her powers as to not electrocute everyone. Walking through the threshold of the cathedral in her black suit with her daughter's hand in hers was like walking on knives. She looked to be the physical definition of exhausted and depressed; not that she was messy looking, but her expression and movement suggested it. She had Alex behind her most of the time, occasionally taking Melanie who was dressed in a black dress so that the little girl didn't squeal at other people in greeting. She was surrounded by some many people who respected her husband, and it hurt her even more. The glimpse of unmasked Captain Cold didn't even surprise her.