Meesei's mood hardly diminished. Most of the more unpleasant parts of their past were old, well-healed wounds, and they had plenty more interesting or amusing tales to tell. "Oh, we have enough stories to fill months' worth of nights like these. We have had our share of pain, but our years together have been nothing short of an adventure." "If you ever get the chance, and since you are with Sabine, I am sure you will, I highly encourage you to travel, Karl." Meesei advised. "There is nothing quite like experiencing the world. If one is locked only into one place, seeing only what is around the limited scope of their home, then they will miss out on so much. The world is immense, and there is a great deal of knowledge to gain that cannot be found in just one place. I can hardly even imagine what my life would be like had I never left Black Marsh. What [i]I[/i] would be like. Traveling can cure one of a great deal of misinformation as well. Had I stayed in my village, there is so much I would not have learned. I would not have known that Dunmer are not all violent savages obsessed with enslaving the innocent, and one of my closest friends would not be a Dunmer. Had I not traveled the Dominion extensively, I would not have learned that the people there can be just as...warm and beautiful as anywhere in the Empire." With her last statement, Meesei leaned more closely onto Lunise and rested her head against her shoulder, which was as just the perfect level for her due to the height difference between them. At the same time, she continued to massage Lunise's skin, this time on her thigh. In the distance, the group may have been able to hear a sound telling of a rare sight: the faint roar of a dragon, off in the direction of the Throat of the World. Dragon attacks had dropped off sharply in the years since the dragon crisis, but they could still be spotted in the skies from time to time. Many of the more violent dragons had been killed off over the years, so most of those that remained usually just ended up flying on overhead without incident. Meesei had certainly been in Skyrim long enough to know not to be worried about it.