Meesei let out a rare, high-pitched sound of surprise when Lunise lifted her up onto her lap, though she did not allow the subject to linger upon it. Lunise's lie seemed to be well-thought-out, but then again, Meesei expected nothing less from a professional. It answered Karl's question sufficiently while limiting the chance of follow-up questions. Meesei's grin towards Sabine may have been somewhat frightening to her, depending upon what stories she feared that she might share. She kept her eyes on Sabine to observe her expression as she answered. "Oh, there are quite a few of those stories as well. The biggest question is which one I should share? I do recall an incident shortly after Sabine found her first boyfriend..." She chuckled, letting the words linger in the air for a few moments before continuing. "But I believe I have shared that story before, at least with Lunise." With the hand that was not currently rubbing Lunise's lower back, Meesei placed a claw on her own chin. "Hmm, there is one story I can recall, before my pack was complete. Before we found Fendros and Kaleeth. It was not too long after we found Sabine; she was a timid girl back then, as you can probably understand with what she just explained. It was her first time going into a city, or a town, rather, with us, so I was trying to keep a close eye on her. To give some context, Sabine was raised among a coven and, correct me if I am wrong on any of this Sabine, but they greatly valued personal responsibility, so to speak. The idea of personal property did indeed exist among them, but most of what they had was allotted to the members and shared. Theft was heavily punished, but it was only considered theft if they took something that was placed properly among a person's belongings. So, if someone just left something laying around, then anyone could use it. If they left it laying around and did not intend to, then it was simply their loss. So, you can imagine my surprise when I turned my back on her for a few moments, only to have her grab a piece of fruit off of a merchant's table, take a bite, and walk away with it. I am assuming he was having a bad day already, because he did not even attempt to force us to pay. He simply called the guards on us immediately. That was also the first day that my pack was chased out of a town by guards, though not for our lycanthropy, fortunately." Meesei was expecting that Sabine would not doubt retaliate with a story of her own, but she was looking forward to it. If nothing else, Sabine might share a story that Meesei had told her of her own years as a hatchling.