The Ringmaster does not have time for a shower before the group arrives. He wishes he did. But all things considered, some members of this merry gathering have seen him covered in substantially worse substances than pigeon droppings- all in pursuit of the defeat of daemonkind, of course. "Good evening one and all," he says as more and more of the group approach his own tent. He steps out of the silken curtains at the rear of his tent. "Come inside. Take tea. And Jezzabell, [@Cherrywitch] you should know that while I'm capable of many stupendous feats in this world, control over which flocks of birds are closest is not something I have. Hence the Canada Goose attacks of '85. Spent damn near a whole night clearing the grounds when all I wanted was for the brutes to spread the word we were having a rain night!" Without pausing to wait for the others, the Ringmaster raises his tea kettle and begins pouring into one cup after another. He raises his voice, practically shouting. "Octus, [@Tenslashsix] just the man this gang would need tonight! Come inside. Bring Aurelia [@VerusEbullio] with you, please?" To himself, the Ringmaster almost grumbles beneath his breath, "Lucky one that you are. It's long since time you remembered what happened to Michael..." As he says it, the Ringmaster reaches beneath the tea table and removes a small, pearl-colored object the size of a Faberge egg. He sets it gingerly into the lone empty tea cup. "Juliet, [@OppositionJ] please do not apologize. If I require an apology for anything, I will tell you so. You are actually quite early by my reckoning of time. Now do come and take tea. Biscotti is where I left it last time if you are hungry. Don't drop any crumbs if you can help it. That evil pigeon may know its way back here. "Gara [@FourthKing] and Luciel [@Majoras End] on the other hand, you are both on time. [i]'To be early is to be on time. To be on time is to be late.'[/i] But I will not hold that against either you." For a half moment, the Ringmaster pauses in place. Looking at Gara. Truly looking. [hider=To Belial, he whispers] [i]I stomach your games because I find you tolerable to deal with, and because you came part-in-parcel with Gara's own Contract. If the Powers-that-Be did not demand otherwise, you would not exist. Tonight's task is a solemn one. If you cannot restrain yourself long enough to see it done, I may feel compelled to break faith with the Powers to banish you. I hope we have an understanding.[/i] [/hider] "Sigmund, please deposit the eight-legged friends outside, if you will." He reaches into his pants pocket, and like a common magician, begins to pull a lengthy piece of scarlet fabric from within. It cuts off in short order and the Ringmaster lifts it over his head, shimmying inside a fresh silk shirt. [@EchoicChamber] "My nature compels me to have a care for living creatures. I do not have to love them. And here is Dawn, last of the lovely gathering. I will say it one last time- GET INSIDE! It's time for tea!" [center]================================================[/center] The Ringmaster takes his tea with two lumps of sugar, seated on a large ottoman silk cushion. He observes the human niceties of polite company, sitting and drinking after all others have been given the opportunity to do so. With that done, he reverts to business. "Welcome to Princeton, West Virginia, everyone. A population of roughly 7,000 human souls. Give or take a few. And tonight, we deal with one who was taken." The teacup comes to his lips again. He drinks so formally as to appear robotic for a moment. "Michael Sarrens was a good performer. His contract signed in 1989. His lover survives with the circus, working within the house of mirrors. I have given them ample time to remain with the Circus, but unless they sign a Contract, they will be removed from the premises shortly. But that is neither here nor there. We have a debt to pay." The Ringmaster nods at the Faberge egg on the tea cart. "There lies all that remains of Michael Sarrens. You brought his remains to me after the events of London. Now I return them to you- without blame for what happened. You all were there. You all no doubt remember how he was bit in twain. And you all no doubt have played the scene over and over again in your minds. You will see them buried in the number 27 mine shaft north of town. But first and foremost, you will enter that mine and you will exterminate the nest of Wurm Daemons that have taken root there. Tunnelers. They've burrowed into the earth beneath the town and are eating at the residents' from beneath their feet." He places half-full tea cup onto its saucer and looks at all those assembled. "I will not Compel you to do this thing if you are not prepared to, however. The last thing I want is another dead Hunter to be buried after this mission. If you do not feel prepared to do this, then go to your tent, perform a night's act, and I will take your place. And any who says an unkind word about you will be [i]asked[/i] to clean Apollo's litter box for Jezzabelle for a good month. Those of you who are ready, a few Lyfts will be waiting for you at the gates to the park. They will take you to the mines. If you've any questions, you may ask them now."