Many of the knights had already gathered for breakfast. The kitchen staff have been quick to plate the large waffles and perfect-level-of-softness-and-crispness bacon quickly, presenting them to the assembled Iron Rose Knights as quickly as they could. Fanilly tried not to make it obvious that she'd had to rush to breakfast to make it in time. Sleeping in so late was thoroughly unbecoming of the Knight-Captain of the Iron Roses. It was difficult to think of what the girl knight felt were failures, however, when she was presented with such a meal. The golden brown waffles, the bacon that had so recently been sizzling away. On top of that, they also had honey from the nearest apiary, and butter from the nearest farm. There was a reason the kitchens of Candaeln was rumored to be second only to the kitchens privy to the royal family themselves. Fanilly could only spare time for a quick prayer to Mayon before digging in, realizing just how hungry she really was. Her maids stood behind her, Viora glaring rather intensely at Alaree, who seemed to have been subject to some sort of punishment recently judging by how she seemed to be standing somewhat further from Viora then necessary.