[center][h1][color=7ea7d8]Lydia Weaver[/color][/h1] [hr]Location: Clinic Interacting With: Doctor guy[/center][hr] She never really cared much for doctor's offices and clinics, but she was perfectly fine with it if she had to go, like if a cat scratched you across the leg for instance. Her leg hurt, and she was still a little dizzy, but at least she was getting it dealt with now rather than later when it got worse. She was hurting, and it needed to be dealt with. She was curious about the envelop and the address on it, but she couldn't do much with a leg injury. The doctor seemed like a nice man, but she decided to keep the part about the envelop to herself, since she didn't know if she could trust him. [color=7ea7d8]"A stray cat ran up and scratched me. It caused me to 'ave problems holdin' thuh little kitten that was in my arms,"[/color] she said to him, not sure of what else to tell him. She wanted this to hurry up, she was curious about the letter, and where it had come from.